How to develop your charisma?

1- I will observe others

Very often, it is enough to put yourself in the shoes of others to get the answer to your questions. Think of the charismatic people around you and ask yourself what makes them so magnetic: their smile, their voice, their way of acting or listening ... It's not about copying them, but simply understanding what makes them "different" from others and realize that it is not just their physique. This finding will be necessary to develop your new aura.

2- I will listen to Sharon Stone's advice

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She is certainly not the only blonde with blue eyes and a goddess-like body on the face of the earth ... yet she has that extra something that doesn't leave you indifferent. To unravel this mystery, James Lipton, producer and animator of the program Actor "s studioshe asked him how she could be so attractive. "In addition to my sexy black dresses and lingerie, I wear a style," she replied.

She is not satisfied with just being, she also focuses on appearing: in short, she knows how to play her cards. From time to time, therefore, do not hesitate to pull yourself a little! Prepare yourself psychologically before an interview or a date: if you persuade yourself that you are a femme fatale, intelligent and full of charm, you will be able to convince everyone. It all comes down to convincing yourself!

3- I will open up to others

Do not stay in a corner, hoping to attract attention. Take control of the situation and go towards others. Develop your listening skills, ask for clarifications, show interest in what they tell you. Inspiring trust is one of the secrets of the charisma. Don't forget that inside every human being there is a great ego that is just waiting to be listened to and flattered! our weak point and, at the same time, the strong point of those who know how to exploit it. Why deprive yourself of it? Especially since you will only do yourself good ...

4- I will take advantage of my smile

Are we attracted to curmudgeons or people who always sulk? Absolutely not! We just want to leave them alone, for fear of being attacked. Adopt a kind expression, open your eyes wide (isn't the gaze the mirror of the soul?) In order to indicate your openness to others, and above all ... smile!

Be careful though! Be natural and avoid Hollywood star forced smiles. You would not only risk a jaw cramp, but also look superficial!

5- I will keep an aura of mystery

Charisma is a part of you that eludes others. Try not to reveal yourself completely: don't tell your life far and wide, don't always be available to invitations, don't overdo the jokes just to always make your interlocutor laugh ... Learn to make yourself a little desired and always leave a halo of mystery around your private life You have to do so to arouse the curiosity of others, make them want to discover more and more details of your person ... As if it were about revealing a secret.

6- I will have some good ideas

Offer new, unusual and, above all, ideas that encourage socialization. A night picnic in a park closed to the public, an open-air classical music concert in a magical place, a themed lunch… but be careful not to overdo it, do not organize them too often, so as not to tire others.

There is no need to propose to climb Mont Blanc with your bare hands, you can also be content with proposing fun conversation topics that will allow everyone to participate in the speech. As soon as you can, take the reins of the conversation. Use those magical phrases that push others to intervene: "Paolo, you who have traveled a lot in Asia, what do you think?", Or "In a magazine, I read the opinion of Professor Tal-de-itali, I don't know what think… "It becomes indispensable in discussions: be able to animate them and to involve everyone.

7- I will develop a distinctive trait

Do you think you have a mundane physique? Find an element to enhance, and avoid being eccentric, if you don't feel very comfortable in this regard. Become the one who always has a casual, elegant and unique style, from shoes to take your breath away, to original accessories, an unlimited range of anecdotes to tell ... You will quickly become THE person who looks forward to and above all the one you remember. Be a great woman.

Tags:  News - Gossip In Shape Marriage