Slag-free diet: what to eat and what to avoid

Not all diets are prescribed for weight loss and weight loss. Some diets are recommended by doctors and nutritionists during a particular period, in which it is necessary to change all or part of one's food and nutrition habits. Often, it is the period of time that precedes a specialist examination, such as colonoscopy or abdominal ultrasound, or simply to want to purify the intestine. Following a diet without waste means eliminating or trying to drastically reduce all those foods containing, in fact, "waste", or parts that our body struggles or cannot assimilate and which are therefore expelled through the feces.

In some cases, this waste can be removed from the food, as in the case of the peel or seeds, in others, however, it is better to avoid eating that food altogether. Normally, all those foods containing rich in fibers, including fruit and vegetables, both cooked and raw. Remember that, like any diet, both those for weight loss and the others, even the one without slag can only be followed for a certain period of time and on the advice of an expert In fact, here are the 10 things you need to know before going on a diet and when you are following it:

Foods to avoid in the slag-free diet

As already mentioned, the slag-free diet banishes foods that are normally allowed in other diets for the purpose of weight loss, such as fruits and vegetables. In fact, since this is a "purification" diet of the intestine and the body, foods with a low calorie content are also eliminated because they are rich in fiber, together with those normally excluded from a diet for weight loss, such as bread. with crumbs and fatty meats. Finally, all those foods with high osmotic power, that is, those which tend to draw water in the intestine, such as chocolate, jams, ice creams and, in general, sweet products, even in minimal quantities, are prohibited at any time of the day.

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Soups
  • Fatty meat and fish
  • Cured meat
  • Pasta and whole grains
  • Bread with too much crumb
  • Fatty dairy products
  • Whole milk
  • Sweets and sweeteners
  • Spices
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Alcoholic beverages

We would like to specify that certain vegetables and some types of fruit can be consumed, as long as they are not rich in fiber and are free of peel and seeds.

See also

Sirt diet: how it works and what are the foods of the lean gene diet

What to eat to lower high blood pressure: find out the right diet

How to lose 3 kilos in two weeks: the diet to follow

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Foods allowed in the slag-free diet

As for the foods allowed in this diet, it must be said that they should be consumed boiled, steamed or roasted. The important thing is that you do not overdo the dressing and that you always use only extra virgin olive oil. Furthermore, admitting carbohydrates with pasta and white flours instead of wholemeal ones, you must in any case avoid taking them in recipes that are too complex and rich in fat, such as tortellini, lasagna or other heavy and high-calorie first courses.

  • Lean meat and fish
  • Bresaola
  • Fat-free raw ham
  • Egg
  • White pasta and flours
  • Rusks
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Boiled carrots
  • Lean dairy products, including fresh cheeses
  • Light yogurt
  • Skimmed milk
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Well filtered juices and centrifuges
  • Honey
  • Tea and herbal teas

Given that the quantity of vegetables and fruit ingested is considerably reduced, it is advisable to take a lot of still water throughout the day. In doing so, you balance the water intake that is normally introduced by consuming those foods.

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Slag-free diet menu

The various foods allowed by this diet can be combined in different ways and without necessarily following a fixed rule. The important thing is to maintain a varied diet, varying in the choice of products available, balancing carbohydrates and proteins well, and cooking food correctly. Here is an example of a one-day diet menu:

  • tea or skim milk
  • unleavened bread or rusks or rice cakes
  • honey


  • Fruit juice without pulp or rice cakes


  • Steamed potatoes or pasta dressed with extra virgin olive oil
  • Grilled chicken breast or stewed turkey or fat-free raw ham


  • Low-fat yogurt or ripe banana


  • Filtered vegetable broth or boiled carrots
  • Grilled tuna or grilled sole

Slag-free diet: pros and cons

Like all diets that deprive the body of certain foods, even the one without waste undoubtedly has benefits but also cons, which must be taken into consideration. This diet has as its main purpose that of detoxification and intestinal cleansing, helping to to reduce or eliminate inflammations that concern the intestine or, in general, the digestive system, caused by the accumulation of waste and waste substances. For this reason, it is often recommended before specialist exams or after a period of improper nutrition.

However, the slag-free diet not only does not make you lose weight and does not help you lose weight, but it is not well balanced, because it eliminates useful and necessary nutritional properties for our body. In fact, if continued for an excessively long period of time, it can lead to a lack of fiber, vitamins and mineral salts, many of which are contained and taken through fruit and vegetables, and cause the risk of some diseases. For this reason, it can be followed for a duration ranging from 3 to 7 days and, like other diets, it must always be prescribed by a doctor or specialist.

For more information on the slag-free diet, visit the Quisana Clinic - Casa di Cura website.

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