Cup of champagne or not: what are the perfect breast sizes today?

Breast that fits right in the proverbial glass of champagne or a "big third? What is the perfect breast size today?" To answer this question, the British plastic surgeon Patrick Mallucci carried out a survey at the Cadogan Clinic in London, interviewing more than 1300 people and about fifty specialists. The result was incredibly unanimous and consisted of three special numbers: 45, 55 and 20.

The 45 indicates the percentage of the breast volume in the upper part of the nipple, the 55 in the lower part, while the 20 indicates the degrees of inclination of the nipple, obviously upwards. The result is a perfectly proportioned and drop-shaped breast. To firm your breasts, here are some exercises:

What are the perfect breast sizes today?

Fortunately, the nineties and the fashion of silicone breasts have passed, as well as that of padded bras. A disproportionate breasts, no matter how beautiful and large, are no longer liked. In the same way, the idea of ​​a small breast that would fit all in a glass of champagne, apparently inspired by the proportions of Queen Marie Antoinette, seems to have been outdated. Too mini!

What do you like today? The proportion. Harmony. Grace. The rule is: do not go beyond the third size. Femininity would be in the middle, a slightly dropped symmetrical breast, neither flat nor abundant, but firm and well present. Perfection today (if it makes sense to look for it) would be all here.

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Yesterday's perfect breast size

Big breasts were once in fashion. Just think of the pin-up era, the 1950s. A large breast was associated with the idea of ​​fertility, and it wasn't just the breast that was preferred in a "big" version: the same was also true for the butt and hips. The Italian cinema of the sixties confirmed this preference: the maternal and Junoesque woman was considered the sexiest of all. After the war, this abundance was also synonymous with well-being and health.

Today, plastic surgeons would hardly be required to make breasts of that size. The greatest requests are for a third size, proportionate to the body and harmonious.

The perfect breasts today

Today it would be difficult to link the idea of ​​abundant breasts to that of motherhood or fertility and well-being. Of course, we are still able to recognize flat breasts and this is often the model proposed by the catwalks. However, we do not take high fashion as an example nowadays and we end up aiming for a middle ground, which is feminine, but at the same time not matronly. Being sexy is synonymous more and more with proportion.

If you want to gain a size, here is a list of foods suitable for breast enlargement:

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