Phrases about false people: the most truthful quotes about falsehood

In life, unfortunately, it often happens to clash with falsehood and hypocrisy. Other times, perhaps in good faith, it happens to ourselves to be false or hypocrites. These are negative and vicious attitudes that are easy to get overwhelmed and with which it is possible to hurt the people around us. Being honest and authentic is more difficult for some individuals than for others and it is precisely from them that we must distance ourselves. If you too have suffered after discovering that someone dear to you was not completely honest with you and preferred to hide behind a facade of falsehood, here is a collection of phrases, aphorisms and quotes to dedicate to him to condemn his behavior.

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The most famous phrases about fake people

Artists, poets, writers and politicians ... everyone has been hurt by the falsehood of others at least once in their life, even the most famous people in history. Throughout their careers, these famous men and women have dedicated their thoughts to humanity, also reflecting on the dangers behind a false person. Here, then, are the most famous and significant quotes and maxims on falsehood!

Who dies without taking at least one kick received as a gift from some friend to their grave?
William Shakespeare

You will learn the hard way that in the long journey of life you will meet many masks and few faces.
Luigi Pirandello

The only thing man can betray is his conscience.
Joseph Conrad

False words are not only bad in their own right, but they also infect the soul with evil.

A double tongue is not to be believed.
Italian proverb

There are many people in the world, but there are even more faces, because everyone has different ones.
Rainer Maria Rilke

We all wear a mask, and there comes a time when we are unable to remove it without removing some flaps of our skin.
André Berthiaume

A half truth is often a big lie.
Benjamin Franklin

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The vices, the virtues, the truth, the falsehood, the love, the hate ... everything is within us. It's up to us to choose what to put out.
Menotti Lerro

Still remain who you are. Every falsehood, sooner or later, is revealed. Just relax and be yourself, because people love the truth, not the poses.

The first virtue of all truly great men is sincerity. They have eradicated hypocrisy from their hearts.
Anatole France

Every falsehood is a mask, and although the mask is well made, it is always possible, with a little attention, to distinguish it from the face.
Alexandre Dumas

When necessity forces us to use sincere words, the mask falls and the man is seen.

Man continually pretends to be what he is not; it's a way of hiding oneself. Those who are ugly try to look beautiful, those who are gripped by anguish try to appear happy, those who know nothing try to show that they know everything. And things go on like this. If you don't become aware of the three idiots in you, you will never become a sage. It is by overcoming the three idiots that one truly becomes wise.

There are individuals composed solely of facade, like unfinished houses for lack of money. They have the entrance worthy of a grand palace, but the internal rooms are comparable to squalid huts.
Baltasar Gracián

During the carnival, men wear an extra mask.
Xavier Forneret

What advantage do liars have? That when they tell the truth they are not believed.

We are all impostors in this world, we all pretend to be something we are not.
Richard Bach

Untruth is easy, truth so difficult.
George Eliot

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.
Kurt Vonnegut

Man is an animal that pretends, and he is never so much himself as when he acts.
William Hazlitt

For me hateful, like the gates of Hades, is the man who hides one thing in his bosom and says another.

The one who allows himself to tell a lie once finds it much easier to do it a second time.
Thomas Jefferson

Anything is better than lies and deceit.
Lev Tolstoy

Love everyone, believe in a few and do no harm to anyone.
William Shakespeare

No one can show one face to himself and another to people for too long without ending up not knowing which one is the real one.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

With a lie, a man annihilates his dignity as a man.
Immanuel Kant

True glory takes root, indeed extends, while all false claims fall like flowers: a fiction cannot last.
Mark Twain

Dishonest people hide their faults from themselves and others, honest people know them and confess them.
Christian Nestell Bovee

True obscurantism does not consist in preventing the spread of what is true, clear and useful, but in putting what is false into circulation.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Mirrors are usually used to check if the mask is still in order.
Jacques Wirion

The whole world is a stage.
William Shakespeare

Phrases about false and envious people

It may happen that some people use falsehood as a means of hiding their envy. This feeling leads them to assume ignoble attitudes and to speak behind others, showing a mask instead of their own face. It is exactly this prototype of people who rejoice internally for the misfortunes of others, pretending to be only apparently sorry and it is to them that we dedicate the following sentences on falsehood and envy.

The number of people who envy us confirms our abilities.
Oscar Wilde

Envy is the stupidest of vices, because there is not a single advantage that is gained from it.
Honore de Balzac

There is no rest for the person who envies, and there is no love for the rude person.
Ali ibn Abi Talib

Envy blinds men and makes it impossible for them to think clearly.
Malcolm X

Envy is the tax that all those who excel in something must pay.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Envy is the cowardly side of hatred, and all its ways are bleak and desolate.
Charles Caleb Colton

Whoever envies another recognizes his superiority.
Samuel Johnson

It is disheartening to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by fiction.
Noël Coward

To feel envy is human, to savor the joy of the harm of others is diabolical.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Anonymous phrases about fake people

Falsehood is so subtle and slimy that you don't need to be a poet to find the right words to condemn it. All of us, having suffered such a disappointment, would find ways to express our frustration. Many, although not famous writers, have already done so and we have collected here their sharpest and most truthful quotes. You just have to draw inspiration from one of these anonymous phrases about fake people!

The falseness of some people is heard even when they are silent.

The real goes with everything. The fake, with everyone.
alfcolella, Twitter

And they pretended happy and content.
alberthofmann72, Twitter

We must be wary of two categories of people: those who have no personality, and those who have more than one.

False people don't talk, they insinuate. Do not converse, gossip. Do not praise, flatter. He does not desire, he craves. He does not ask, he demands. He doesn't smile, he shows his teeth. False people are poor in spirit, since they do not walk, they crawl through life, sabotaging the happiness of others. False people ignore beauty and nobility of mind because they do not love, and so they end up not living, they barely exist ...

Can you tell me on what day is Holy Falsehood celebrated?
Because I have to send greetings to a few people.

Spontaneity is a very difficult pose to maintain.

Phrases about falsehood in friendship and love

Unfortunately, sometimes our instincts can fall into error and we happen to trust the wrong people. When we accept the falsehood hidden in those in whom we put all our trust, we are immediately overwhelmed by disappointment and dismay. In these cases, it is necessary to end the relationship immediately and transform sadness into awareness because, often, it is the most painful experiences that teach us the most important lessons. If you've been stabbed in the back by friends or a partner and are looking for consolation, here are the best phrases about falsehood in love and friendship to read and memorize.

Friends call themselves sincere. But only the enemies are.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Not all monsters have fangs.
Jack London

The eyes? It is said that they are the mirror of the soul; but, if one thinks of the falsity of human relations, it must be deduced that they serve more to spy on others than to reveal oneself.
Anacleto Verrecchia

I have no friends, I'm not a follower / They change how this scenario changes / Change if there is money to rule it / It's useless, hypocrisy changes people.

Unfortunately, there are many false friends willing to lend us umbrellas only when the weather is nice.
Romano Battaglia

It is amazing how complete the illusion that beauty is goodness is.
Lev Tolstoy

Everyone is talking behind you. Only the sky speaks to you in the full face.
Fabrizio Caramagna

If being around people means living with falsehood, I prefer to live on my own.
Alda Merini

When for the first time we look at someone's face, we think we are reading the deepest parts of his soul and instead, often, we realize that we are in front of a mask engaged in interpreting the comedy of falsehood. You have to look at the faces in profile to understand the bitterness, the joys, the pains of each one. In profile, people are real because they don't realize they are being watched. Many people seen in profile lie and many others suffer with dignity.
Romano Battaglia

They came out of the false and hypocritical fairy tale and lived happily ever after.
Fabrizio Caramagna

Everyone wants your good: be careful not to have it taken away.
Stanisław Jerzy Lec

The false friend is like the shadow that follows us as long as the sun lasts.
Carlo Dossi

Nothing more dangerous than a false friend, false esteem, constructed feelings, a strategic smile.
I can't get used to it.
stressmike, Twitter

I would have taken a bullet for them,
and they were the first to shoot me.

There are people who, at first, seem false, devious, and opportunistic to you. Then you know them better and nothing. You got us right away.
Valemille, Twitter

I'm not angry because you lied to me, I'm angry because from now on I won't be able to believe you anymore.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Those who are good at inventing excuses are unlikely to be good at something else.
Benjamin Franklin

When you are dealing with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures moved by logic, but with creatures full of prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.
Dale Carnegie

If someone cheats on you once, it is their mistake; if someone cheats on you twice it's your mistake.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Do you have enemies? Good. This means that you have fought for something at times in your life.
Winston Churchill

If people speak ill of you, live in such a way that no one can believe them.

Then see the friend. If he is truly your friend, he rejoices in your good fortune unreservedly. But if he is not really your friend, the worm of envy enters his heart and gnaws at him.
Alberto Moravia

There is little friendship in the world, and least of all between equals.
Francis Bacon

Everyone says they are friends, but crazy who trusts them; nothing is more common than the name, nothing rarer than the thing.
Jean de La Fontaine

Whoever lies for you will lie against you.
John Locke

If you want to know what people say about you when you are not around, listen to what they say about others in your presence.
Jean-Benjamin de La Borde

Trust, but check.
Ronald Reagan

There are so many fake diamonds in this life that pass for real, and vice versa.
William Makepeace Thackeray

Flatterers resemble friends like wolves do dogs.
John Jay Chapman

The most beautiful phrases on hypocrisy

Falsehood and hypocrisy go hand in hand and are among the worst behaviors a man has to face. In some ways, interfacing with a hypocritical person is even more unnerving because you are dealing with someone who is not only false with others Hypocrites, in fact, set themselves up as moral guides, but in practice they do quite the opposite of what they preach. It is essential to identify them in order to avoid them. If you too cannot bear such attitudes, you will find yourself in the following phrases about hypocrisy.

The true hypocrite is the one who stops carrying out his deception, lying with sincerity.
André Gide

I know I get unpleasant / but it's always better than hypocritical.
Lucio Battisti

Men are more moralistic than they think and much more immoral than they can imagine. ~ Sigmund Freud

In ancient Greece, "the hypocrite" was an actor, the problem arose when the hypocrite got off the stage and continued to play his role
more_you, Twitter

He is so hypocritical that he even goes so far as to admit his hypocrisy.
Dino Basili

You recognize the hypocrite immediately. He has a mask on his soul.
Vinkweb, Twitter

The more ideals you have, the more you will suffer, the more hypocritical you will become because, if you cannot satisfy the ideals, you can at least pretend to do so: this is where hypocrisy comes into play. Nobody would be a hypocrite if we accepted the real facts without judgment.

Believing in something and not living it is dishonesty.
Mahatma Gandhi

Before falling asleep, the hypocrite puts his smile back on the chair next to the bed.
Fabrizio Caramagna

False indignation is the most repugnant form of hypocrisy.
Henry de Montherlant

We are all sinners. But the Lord does not allow us to be hypocrites. Hypocrites do not know the meaning of God's forgiveness, joy and love.
Pope francesco

Hypocrisy is a round-the-clock task.
William Somerset Maughan

Death caught him suddenly. But with a remarkable presence of mind, he remedied by throwing himself on the armchair and composing his face in the most decorous of expressions. Hypocrisy had won until the end.
Francesco Burdin

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their life an imitation, their passions a quote.
Oscar Wilde

Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society.
David Hull

Hypocrite: Man who murdered his parents, and then begged for mercy for being an orphan.
Abraham Lincoln

The mildest hypocrites are also the most fearful. Velvet masks are always black.
Victor Hugo

Even the hypocrite has three signs of recognition: when he speaks, he lies; when he promises, he fails the promise given; when you trust him, he betrays.

We are all hypocrites. We cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves in the same way we see or judge others.
José Emilio Pacheco

Worse than a liar there is only a liar who is also a hypocrite.
Tennessee Williams

Hypocrisy is the most difficult and exhausting vice that anyone can practice; it requires constant vigilance and a rare detachment of the spirit. It cannot be practiced, unlike adultery and gluttony, in free moments; it is a continuous cycle of work.
William Somerset Maughan

Hypocrisy is not a weapon of the hypocrite, but his prison.
Nicolás Gómez Dávila

There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy: hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny.
Frederick William Robertson

The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.
William Hazlitt

Hypocrisy is that strange disease that makes you criticize the behavior of others, only to imitate them.
NMargheNiki, Twitter

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