Zodiac signs and betrayal: that's who forgives and who doesn't!

How do the various zodiac signs react to a betrayal? Who forgives and who never forgets? Are there signs more vindictive than others? Love and sex change from sign to sign, and so betrayal is experienced in many different ways. Do you recognize yourself in the characteristics of your sign? And what sign is your him? How would he react to a betrayal? find out by reading ...


If you have betrayed an Aries, it will be very difficult for him to forgive you because his huge ego will be too hurt! He will not be able to understand the fact that you preferred someone else to him and, if you did, it just means that you never deserved it. After all, you should know well what are the attitudes to avoid to get into the good graces of an Aries: worship him and never contradict him!

See also

Chinese zodiac signs: what are their characteristics

New zodiac signs: what they are and what their meaning is

The symbols of the zodiac signs: the meaning of the astrological glyphs


You will have to beg and beg, but from Taurus you will be able with a good chance to get a second chance. Change destabilizes him to such an extent that he finds it much easier to restore confidence than to have to start all over again with a new partner.


Are you sure he hasn't already betrayed you? Because the Gemini's reaction could be unpredictable: it could decide to take revenge by betraying you in turn, it could leave you trusting that there are other fish in the sea or even find it all very exciting! In short, with Gemini even confessing a betrayal is a leap in the dark and after all, this sign is among the most inclined to look elsewhere, especially where there are no more interesting stimuli ...


If you have dared to hurt him, Cancer will never forgive you and will be so intimately and deeply destroyed that he will not be able to deal with it. It may be difficult for him to break up with you, but he will certainly not stop making you pay that wrong for the rest of your life.


A Leo is too proud to forgive. It's not even about you anymore, you know? He may continue to love you, but there is no one on the face of the earth that he can remain at the side of someone who has humiliated him in this way. If you really want to try to confess, it will be at your own risk.


The Virgo will forgive you only if you have not good, but excellent justifications and if you know how to expose and argue them properly. It is too rational a sign and also uses your head in matters of the heart. Good for you, but be prepared because you will be put under scrutiny!


Unlike Virgo, Libra tends to reason with the heart and, if they still love you, they could forgive you in the name of the feeling they have for you. Be careful though, by betraying it you have literally destroyed it and it could make an epic drama out of it before giving you a second chance!


Have you betrayed a Scorpio? Expect atrocious, atrocious revenge. Then maybe he will forgive you as well, indeed ... if there are the right conditions he will almost certainly do so, but only after having made you suffer in proportion to how much you have made him suffer. On the other hand, he is the vengeful of the Zodiac.


Sagittarius forgives a betrayal quite easily, mostly because they know very well that it could have happened to them too. As a good playboy that he is, rest assured that he will be able to circumscribe what happened and not give it more importance than it does.


Forget any possibility of being forgiven. In fact, don't even try! With Capricorn it would be just wasted breath and effort because, if you have betrayed a Capricorn, you have suddenly become less than nothing in his eyes and it is very, very difficult for him to go back to looking at you as before.


In love as he is more with love itself than with the other, the Aquarius will always tend to turn a blind eye and forgive. For him, possession is just a chain and, just as he wishes to feel free in the relationship, he will also be able to to understand the "freedoms" of the other if they take nothing away from the feeling she feels for him.


The ultra-sensitive Pisces, if betrayed, will not just make a drama out of it, but much, much more! What awaits you are continuous suspicions, silences, recriminations, anxieties… he may have officially forgiven you, but within himself he will never. Are you really sure you want a second chance?

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© alfemminile What does a man look for in a woman? Find out based on his zodiac sign!