7 things you still don't know about male orgasm

How long does a man's orgasm last? And how long can it go between one fellatio and the next? How much would men masturbate on average? In short, there are things we do not know about the male orgasm, so let's discover them together and go over the reason that should push us to make him reach orgasm ...

1. How long does the male orgasm last?

So much effort for a duration of? Well, dear friends, in summary a man's orgasm can last from 5 to 22 seconds (of which only 2-3 of great intensity).

See also

Refractory period: the time interval between one male orgasm and another

5 myths about "female orgasm definitely to be debunked!"

Male masturbation Loading ...


2. How long does it take for recovery?

The refractory period between orgasms can last from a few minutes to an hour. Luckier if you mate with a German! Because? Apparently an average 25 year old German can continue to have sex for 3 minutes after ejaculation!

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3. What is sperm made of?

Sperm is mainly composed of water and 1 percent of spermatozoa. But it also contains calcium, chloride, citrate, fructose, glucose, lactic acid, magnesium, potassium, protein, sodium, urea and zinc. In short, for this reason every man, after orgasm, needs to rehydrate

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4. How long does a man masturbate on average?

The average tells us that: 40% of men masturbate every day, while 60% about 12 times a month. Of course there are exceptions that confirm the rule, on the other hand everyone experiences sexuality, both with others and in his own intimacy, in his own way, without terms of denial.

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5. Does the man always enjoy orgasm?

Some men suffer from sexual anhedonia (the term anhedonia means the total or partial inability to feel satisfaction), ie they do not feel pleasure during orgasm even though they ejaculate normally. We are talking about extreme cases, of course, otherwise making love would irremediably transform into a physical act without any dragging.

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6. Is orgasm ejaculation?

The two things do not always coincide, it is in fact possible to ejaculate without having known the maximum pleasure of orgasm, just as it is possible to reach orgasm without ejaculating, being two different moments that often coincide but it is not said that they must be simultaneous.

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7. Is the amount of sperm produced the same for everyone?

To every man, his sperm. Age, stress, physical strength, and length of intercourse affect both sperm quality and quantity. For example, overweight men produce not only less sperm but also of a lower quality.

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Male orgasm? Guaranteed with these positions, review dear friends:

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