It's time for baby food! Bibs, saucers and high chairs for your baby

It is well known that feeding time is not always so easy for mothers, especially for those in their first experiences. Often in fact, children, in their very first years of age, are not so happy to eat meals regularly, and in many cases they tend to throw tantrums. classic items designed for your children's first "lunches".

Here is everything you need for your baby's meal time.

Bibs, saucers and cutlery for the little ones

From bibs, essential like few other things in the early years of the little ones, to saucers with tender and nice prints, to baby cutlery designed specifically for the comfort of children and to tender lunch boxes for older children. Here are the most original articles to make your child's meal time more fun and "colorful".

See also

Your baby is one year old

Evening meal: how to prepare it with only 3 ingredients

Hiccups in Newborns: How to Get Your Baby Hiccups Through

The funny bib from the William & Henry collection by Noukie's - Price: 14.90 euros

High chairs for baby food

For our children to eat in peace, they must also be comfortable. Even better if, in addition to practicality, there is color and fantasy, because, as you know, aesthetics always play its part, especially if it has to do with two naive and curious eyes. Gone are the times when the classics reigned. wooden models, now the design has also reached the traditional accessories for children.

Chicco Pocket Snack (6m + - 3 years) by Chicco - Price: 44.90 euro

Sterilizers, blenders and kitchen tools

And now we come to mothers too! So here are products for cooking, blending, heating baby food and bottles and thus helping the work of women in the kitchen struggling with baby food and babies unwilling to eat and stay calm.

Efficiency and practicality are always the watchwords when dealing with small children, especially if it is one of the most critical moments such as that of the first meals.

EasyPappa 2 in 1 by Avent by Philips - Price: 130.97 euros

And if your child has a tantrum ..

Does your child not want to eat and is having a tantrum? Do not worry! There are some little secrets to try to convince the little ones to sit in the high chair and be quiet for a while to devote themselves to feeding time. In addition to the classic and traditional game of airplane with cutlery, a great way to attract attention. attention of the child and induce him to eat in all serenity could be to use a doll that keeps the baby company and that, like him, is dedicating himself to his meal.

See also:
Stella, little star, the night is approaching: everything you need for your baby's sleep
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