The Gift diet

1. Protein / carbohydrate combination. To limit the rebound effect of insulin, a protein source should always be included in each of the three main meals, approximately one third of the total volume visually. This balance can be easily obtained with the Gift single-plate system, therefore consisting of a base of never more than a third of the total complex carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes), a protein component (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, sliced, walnuts), an even more abundant part of foods rich in fiber, i.e. vegetables or fruit.

2. Control of glycemic index and load. For the diet to work, it is necessary to keep the intake of high glycemic index carbohydrates under control (sugar, bread, white pasta) and instead give preference to fruit and vegetables, even with the same caloric intake. However, it should also be checked that the overall carbohydrate load in any single meal is not excessive (even only approximately).

See also

The low-calorie diet: pros and cons of the weight loss diet par excellence

Detox diet: what the detox diet is and how it works

The Atkins Diet

3. Distribution of meals. To favor the way in which the body uses calories, the caloric intake during the day must be distributed: significant caloric intake in breakfast, medium intake at lunch, light intake in the evening.

4. Free fruit and vegetables. Fresh, raw and unseasoned fruits and vegetables are also allowed outside meals in unlimited quantities. Very watery fruit is generally not recommended with meals. It is also a good idea to start each meal with some fresh fruit or vegetables.

5. Generous supply of water and fiber. A daily intake of indigestible, rich and constant dietary fiber, also guarantees optimal functioning of the digestive functions. For this reason it is recommended to take wholemeal flours and whole fruits and vegetables (with skins, seeds, leaves). The supply of water, both natural and from fruit and vegetables, should never be neglected, so that the waste can be easily eliminated.

6. Long chew. Savor and chew each food for a long time before swallowing it. Greater attention to food and longer times reward with more timely satiety signals and greater ease in digestion. Unwanted fermentations are also reduced. Learning to smell and taste your food also increases the sense of satiety.

7. Decisive reduction in the "intake of" junk foods ". For weight loss to occur, according to the principles of the Gift Diet, it is important to avoid excessively depleted foods by refining, cooking, industrial processing (hydrogenated fats) and rejecting industrial additions of preservatives, dyes, antibiotics, hormones, flavoring, binders, thickeners and additives in general, able to deceive our senses.

8.Physical activity. It is essential to immediately include "constant and regular aerobic physical activity. Those who are completely sedentary cannot achieve the integrated psychophysical balance sought by the GIFT Diet, and will have to take action to bring their physical parameters back to normal, albeit with very gradual.

9. Control of intolerances. The presence of one or more intolerances can hinder the food re-education process and must therefore be corrected with an adequate period of rotation of the foods responsible for the discomfort, in order to reduce the general inflammatory state of the organism and the interference that this inflammatory state, due in the presence of histamine, they determine the accumulation of weight and the regulation of insulin balance.

10. Psychophysical balance. There can be no restoration of physical well-being that is independent of achieving a greater psychic balance. It is therefore important to learn how food can affect our attitudes, our mood, our subsequent food choices. And also how stress, frustration, anger can lead us to seek consolation in food. Finally, the GIFT diet requires a deep understanding, and an active removal, of these bondages.

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