Men's hair removal: how to eliminate unwanted hair in different areas of the body

If you are wondering which type of hair removal is most suitable for boys, you are in the right article. We have prepared a guide with the different methods of hair removal, from the most painful to those absolutely painless and suitable even for the most fearful. Laser, waxing, razor, depilatory cream: these are just a few examples, but we will help you understand how they are used and in which areas of the body it is better to prefer one over the other.

Below is a video that explains how to prevent irritation after hair removal!

Facial hair removal: the perfect shave of the beard

The face is one of the parts of the male body that is most often depilated. In this case, in fact, we are talking about the beard and the care that must be taken to prevent it from becoming uneducated. In this case it is better to use an electric razor or the good old razor blade. Shaving is a daily gesture, but have you ever thought about what are the steps to do it best? If this is your first time, or you have already experimented with shaving your beard, here are some useful tips:

  • To minimize the risk of cuts or scratches, wet your face very well and remove dirt particles with a specific cleanser.
  • Spread the shaving cream distributing it evenly, it will serve to protect the skin from the razor blades.
  • Proceed with light and delicate movements without forgetting the counter-grain!
  • Apply a moisturizing aftershave.

See also

Diode laser hair removal: away unwanted hair forever

How to remove facial hair: 8 foolproof tricks

Total hair removal

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How to remove hair from the arms

The skin of the arms is not particularly delicate, furthermore it is an absolutely visible part and therefore easy to depilate. The hair in this area is thin and will consequently also be easy to remove. If you want to get absolutely smooth and hairless arms, choose the disposable razor, hair removal cream or wax. If, on the other hand, you just want to thin out the hair on your arms without completely eliminating them, try using the electric razor with the special accessory. "bodygroom".

Armpits - depilatory methods for such a delicate area

For the armpits you will have to pay a little more attention. The part may not be very visible, which is why one of the first tips is to position yourself in front of the mirror. The disposable razor will be the best method and also the fastest. Follow these steps:

  • Trim the hair with a pair of scissors.
  • Wet and soap the area.
  • Raise your arm high and tighten the skin tightly.
  • Rinse with each stroke.
  • Finally, rinse your armpits well with cold water to close the pores.
  • Dry the whole area well with a towel.
  • Do not apply the deodorant immediately, let it pass a few hours.

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Chest hair removal: what to do and what to avoid

The chest is the most discussed area of ​​the male body: there are those who love hairy breasts and those who really can't stand to see hair in this area. If you are of this second opinion, how can you have a smooth and perfectly shaved chest. a result of a completely hairless chest, use the depilatory cream because it guarantees slower regrowth than that of the manual razor. If, on the other hand, you do not want to completely remove the hair but only shorten it, use the electric razor with the thinning accessory. If you are brave, opt for waxing: it guarantees an excellent and lasting result, removing the hair from the root.
Avoid the razor blade, it will only break the hair causing the annoying folliculitis!

How to shave your back the easy way

People with back hair usually prefer to remove it completely. The best methods to achieve this are essentially two: waxing or laser.

  • Waxing

Since the back is a difficult part of the body to reach, you will have to get help from someone, or book a complete waxing from the beautician. With this method, you can forget about back hair for at least 30 days. We reveal a secret: usually back waxing isn't too painful, so come on!

  • Laser

The laser is a definitive hair removal treatment, useful in cases of back hair that you want to completely disappear. In Italy there are specialized centers to which you can address your request. The pain is very subjective and bearable, but the result is flawless!

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Private parts: is it really necessary to remove hair?

Although more and more men are deciding to remove unwanted hair also on the pubis, since it is an extremely delicate area, particular care must be taken before proceeding. The risk of cuts, irritation and problems is very high, so here are some useful tips to follow.

For the private parts it is important to proceed with a specific product: the best choice is the depilatory cream, but also the disposable razor which, however, must be used only for this part of the body. Waxing could be very painful, although it would ensure a great result.

  • First, shorten the hair with the help of a beard rule.
  • Take a warm shower before shaving to prepare the area and relax your private parts.
  • If you are using a disposable razor, apply beard oil first to soften any hair that may be particularly bristly in this area.
  • Proceed calmly and carefully to avoid cuts.
  • Rinse well with cold water at the end to prevent ingrown hairs from forming.
  • Apply some aftershave balm to soothe the area.

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The best way to shave your legs

For the hair removal of male legs, the same advice given for the arms applies. After taking a hot shower that will soften the skin and hair, proceed with shaving using a shaving foam. Pass the razor even against the grain.Clean the blades frequently to prevent a buildup of hair from making everything more difficult. Finally, apply a moisturizing and soothing product.

If you opt for waxing, dry the area well and if necessary apply talcum powder Shorten the hair if it is very long and apply the wax. With a clean strip of fabric, make a firm tear against the grain. Remove the wax residue with an oil and apply a moisturizer.

Even the electric razor is well suited for hair removal of men's legs: practical, fast and painless!

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