Test: are you first or last bench at school?

September remains the month of returning, even when school is over for some time, that feeling of commitment matures in the heart, that "excitement from the first day, the taste of school desks. For everyone an eternal feeling, which does not pass, a feeling unrepeatable and dear. It wasn't really nice to go back to school, but it wouldn't have been September without that feeling. Time to choose pens, diary and backpack ... about backpacks and bags, watch our video, here:

Test: are you first or last bench at school?

And therefore the return to class was also to find classmates, friends, prof. For those who still go to school the meaning is always the same, a bitter sweet. And obviously find your place among your teammates, what place? The one to sit down. The difference between the various locations in the classroom remains eternal: right next to the professors, at the bottom right, at the bottom near the window, behind the nerd, next to the quietest. Were you or are you more of a first or last bench girl? Take the test and find out:

See also

Test: which of the protagonists of Friends are you?

Personality and color test: which one reflects yours the most?

Couple Test: Is Your Boyfriend Really Crazy About You?

A new autumn is coming: how are you going to deal with it? Take our test and find out now!

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