5 things that can happen when you haven't made love for a while

What happens if you don't have sex for a while

We know that doing love has so many benefits. It makes us feel good and happy; it is an excellent anti-aging remedy, it relaxes the skin, strengthens the body and relaxes us. It is not just a question of desire, these positive effects are the result of all the chemical reactions that making love entails, on a physical and emotional level. You know, the couple, coexistence, stress, work, daily commitments, boredom, habit can extinguish the fuse and send us directly into the universe of abstinence. Nothing strange, it can happen, indeed, it happens to everyone, but what happens if we don't have sex for a while?
Meanwhile, here are some secrets to do it better, when it happens!

See also

Making love with two men

Making love in the water

Obligatory steps: the 4 things you have to do after making love

1.Not making love for a while can increase your stress and anxiety levels

"Having sex is good for the" mood "is not just a way of saying that we use to" justify "our libido. During sexual intercourse, the brain releases endorphins and oxytocins. happiness ". If 1 + 1 always equals 2, decreasing or interrupting sexual activity will coincide with decreasing oxytocin. You may have felt sad at the end of a relationship, right? This is because, during intercourse, oxytocin circulated as if there was no tomorrow then, all of a sudden, it stops, and sadness rises. Let alone if we don't make love for a while! We all find ourselves like this:

2. Abstinence reduces libido: the less sex you have, the less desire you will have.

Here, if we were already paranoid about the oxytocin issue, certainly believing that we ended up in a vicious circle does not help. If making love many times helps to raise the level of desire, just stopping doing it slowly will make the desire go away. Girls, come on, let's remember that sex stretches the skin and is an excellent anti-age, we cannot afford not to make love for a long time!

3. Sex trains your brain and body, you can't help but make love!

Sexual activity develops neurons in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that plays an important role in long-term memory and orientation in space. In short, not making love affects aging not only of the skin but Also of the brain. Also, sexual intercourse equals a lot of physical activity, improves the cardiovascular system and allows you to burn a lot of calories. Look at the relationship between sex and calories here. love you will be forced to do a lot of gym, without confusing the two ...

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4. If you don't make love for a long time your vagina may have some problems ...

Yes, in addition to feeling lonely and sad, the vagina may have more, like, technical problems. Making love trains the vagina, strengthens it at the muscle level. Quitting also implies losing muscle tone, as happens to anyone who stops working out at the gym. In addition, there could also be lubrication problems due to the decrease in estrogen, precisely because the excitement induces the vagina to moisten. In short, you have to take care of your intimacy

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5. In addition to being sad, you weaken: it is not convenient for you not to make love for a long time

Research from Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania found that the largest number of patients who made love 1 or 2 times a week had increased the presence of immunoglobulin, the antibody that allows us to fight viruses, by about 30%. , compared to those who rarely or had not had sex for a long time. We are in winter, it is cold outside, we have gained a few pounds during the Christmas holidays that we are trying to lose with a detox diet and we are aware of what can happen if we don't make love for a while. Maybe it's time to change something and unleash the sexual energy! We help you like this, have fun girls