#Lazonarosa: the Ferragnez suspend live broadcasts as a sign of respect

They had become a fixed appointment, as well as an inexhaustible source of daily entertainment, but, for now, we will have to do without them. We are talking about the live broadcasts that the Ferragnez held daily from their Milanese maison at 6 pm Songs, dances and jokes to entertain and distract people across the street and followers, completely eliminating the distances between real and virtual and, at least for a few minutes, the concerns due at the delicate moment that we are all going through.

Fiorello: "Enough show, let's have a minute of silence"

However, after the latest frightening "war" bulletins, the couple preferred to suspend them. "Goodmorning everyone. In respect of the numerous victims of these days, the live broadcasts from the balcony take a few days of fear "so they announce from their social profiles, and then conclude" we normalize the small or large moments of down we have in this new normal, but at the same time let's try to bring out our best ”.

The speech given a few days earlier by Beppe Fiorello probably influenced the decision. The Sicilian actor, in fact, deeply disturbed by the vision of the coffins transported on military trucks in Bergamo, invited everyone to be silent as a sign of respect for those who did not make it. "In addition to those who are on the balconies, I also ask the artists, who are also doing a great job of entertainment, to tone down," said Fiorello, for whom the flashmobs on the balconies were starting to turn into an inappropriate show. The artist also sent an appeal to the whole country, asking for the institution of a day of national mourning.

The solidarity of the couple

Direct on Instagram aside, it is worth mentioning all the commitment that the Ferragnez are giving to the cause. Despite the past between criticism and controversy, there is a general positive re-evaluation of them. It is thanks to them, in fact, that a new intensive care facility will soon be opened at the San Raffaele hospital, built in just 12 days and financed thanks to the fundraising launched by the couple.

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