Does your child have lice? Here are all the tricks to fight them

By returning to school, your child will find friends, and as often happens between homework and extra-curricular activities, he could get lice. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal. The experts also say that despite the hygiene and care given to one's child, it is not possible to avoid them.
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An important first step is observation: if you notice your baby scratching his head and neck persistently, check his scalp right away. Lice often resemble dandruff, the difference is that they are more difficult to remove.

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How to get rid of lice from the scalp: all the most effective remedies

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Of course, the problem of lice must be addressed with the pediatrician, who will prescribe a specific ointment, which takes effect 8-12 hours after treatment. An anti-lice shampoo is also often prescribed, but there are also some pretty effective home remedies, and if you're curious you can even try them! Here they are below:

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  • To make the lice come off more easily, you need to rub your hair with hot water and white vinegar after a shampoo.
  • Spray the hair with white vinegar, and leave it wrapped in a shower cap for an hour at least. Then comb the hair with an anti-lice comb.
  • Putting wool between the teeth of the comb can help remove them more easily.
  • Using the electric comb several times a day can help.
  • Applying gel or hairspray can help stop lice from proliferating.
  • Coating the scalp in petroleum jelly can also help kill and eliminate them.
  • It is necessary to avoid the use of the hot air hair dryer, because the heat causes parasites to proliferate.
  • Applying a few drops of lavender oil on the head and behind the ears can help prevent head lice.
  • Massage the scalp with sweet almond oil or olive oil. After the massage, cover your head with a shower cap and leave it on overnight. In the morning, shampoo your baby and use the lice comb.
  • Tea tree oil can be very useful in these cases, always to be used as a massager before shampooing.
  • Dip the lice comb in a solution of warm water and baking soda before using it.
  • Try making compresses with fresh thyme to rub the head.
  • Mix 10 drops of clove essential oil and olive oil. Massage the baby's head and then cover with a cap. Leave it on for a couple of hours and then wash it off with a thorough shampoo.
  • Remember to always wash and rinse your hair with hot water.

© iStock How to get rid of head lice in children

It is important to keep in mind that these are home remedies, which do not ensure the effectiveness of the drugs. In case of need, it is always better to consult a specialist or a pediatrician.

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Some curiosities ...

Here are the main myths to dispel and curiosities to know about head lice:

  • The occurrence of head lice does not increase the probability with long hair, with the type of hair or with the type of shampoo used
  • Lice "prefer" clean hair to dirty hair, and straight hair to curly
  • Head lice occur more easily in girls, because they are usually more "physical" and have more contact during play than boys
  • The age of maximum lice manifestation is between 3 and 10 years
  • Lice contagion occurs more easily from contact between two heads rather than from the shared use of combs or other hair accessories.

For more information about lice in children, you can visit the Humanitas hospital website.

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