That's why happy couples don't post photos on Facebook

How many times have you told your boyfriend "selfieeeeee"? And how many times has he rolled his eyes and snorted a bit "? Well, what happened to that selfie? Did you jealously guard it or did you share it on Facebook? If the answer you gave is the second, then you could don't be really happy with your him.

How important is appearance in this moment of our life? Let's venture a "lot": social networks have definitely contributed to this trend. Without needing to demonize them, but Facebook, Instagram & company have contributed to making the image we give of we really are the only thing that matters. By now, in fact, we care more about our virtual life and the way it looks rather than our real life. We often get an idea of ​​people based on what they publish or write on social media and, just as often, our idea is completely wrong. Sometimes you need a remedy for this likes mania, like this anti-social collar!

Why don't really happy couples post on social networks?

And you, are you a social couple who shares every moment of daily life on Facebook? Well, you might not be so happy ... Let's think about it: you will see that everything will make sense in this perspective. Happy people do not need to shift attention from their real life to the virtual one, precisely because the reality they are experiencing is much more fulfilling than social media. Have you ever noticed that when you are comfortable with someone, the mobile phone is forgotten at the bottom In fact, happy couples share almost nothing about their life on social media: a very banal like from Facebook "friends" is worth very little compared to the company of the person they love.

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When you are in love you don't want to share the person you love with the rest of the world, but rather the opposite! Couples that last over time are able to remember each other every day: true sharing is that of real gestures and moments. Of course, sometimes you have to break the couple's routine to find the right understanding, but social networks are certainly not the answer. Surely avoiding worrying about what others think, we know it well, is one of the most effective ways to be truly happy: to decide for ourselves and for our life, alone or as a couple.

Wanting to prove your happiness to others at all costs is not healthy

Have you ever stopped to think: "what is the use of posting this photo on Facebook?" Probably not, because it is now an almost automatic mechanism. In reality, nothing is achieved by posting photos or phrases about one's happiness on Facebook: it is an unhealthy mechanism that almost "imposes" our happiness on others. But it is understandable, in a world that asks us more and more to appear, even our happiness has the right to be seen on social networks. Or maybe not...

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