Happiness is a choice: and are you ready to choose to be happy?

Happiness is a choice. It depends only on you to face the challenges of life on the right foot and learn to know how to appreciate what you have despite the bad moments that are natural and happen to everyone! In short, being happy is an "attitude and you can learn it! Watch the video and learn how to cultivate with us a new and winning awareness that will help you in the small and big choices of every day!

But how can you choose to be happy?

If you believe that you will have to wait for your whole life to turn right to be happy you are wrong. Being happy here and now is possible! All you will need is a little commitment and perseverance, because even if it may seem strange to you, being happy is a good habit: you have to take the pain a little bit and learn to face everyday life in the right way and with a smile. It seems that the happiest man in the world is such
Matthieu Ricard, the result of analysis by leading scientists from all over the world who have wondered what secret could ever be behind such a happy life. Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk: this does not mean that only those who choose a spiritual path can be happy but it tells us a lot about happiness. And at hand, we just have to grasp it and above all it depends on us. That's right, even from you!
The first step on this journey towards our happiness is to deal with what we have. And not what we lack that we think about all day. Mind it: when you want a new pair of shoes your mind is completely oriented on what you are missing and forgets everything it has. And with the same principle you find yourself dreaming of a bigger house than you have, a more paid and less stressful job (but why does it really exist in your opinion?), A different journey from what you have already done and so on. The list would be very long. There are many books on this subject and some can really help you to observe your emotions from the outside!

See also

I want to be happy: how to achieve true happiness

Songs about happiness: the good mood themed playlist

Hygge: the Northern way of life that leads to happiness

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The alternative to this typical Western world view is to focus on what you have and make you feel good, enjoy the results achieved, small or large, rather than anticipating those that (perhaps) will come in the future. Of course it is easier to complain than to cultivate this new awareness, midfulness, which leads to gratitude, a concept that too often we find ourselves underestimating. The happiness you find yourself experiencing more often (or rather what we believe to be happiness) is immediate and compulsive and certainly illusory: like when you are down in the dumps and indulging in a shopping spree to release your endorphins gives you a thrill of happiness that runs out in a couple of hours. Yet to love yourself and learn to enjoy what you have already achieved without entrusting your happiness to external factors gives you the purest and most profound of emotions, a true and inner happiness that can be read in your face. The moment to reach well-being and fulfillment, q The whirlwind of emotions we like to call happiness is now. Because we cannot live with the awareness of living forever, but we can always live with awareness and grasp all that life puts on our path despite the negative parentheses. This is precisely the great discovery and the great achievement: you can be happy DESPITE you do not have the dream job, the family of origin you desire, the friend of the heart you deserve. Understanding the strength and "importance of" despite "often saves your life and worldview and gives you happiness.

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Happiness is a choice: the example of children to achieve true well-being

Children can teach us a lot about emotions and the ability to be happy. Happiness is a choice and for children we could say that happiness is a natural choice. Observe a child: he smiles at anyone who gives him a smile, he has no fun at all, he just needs to jump. He has a surprise in his eyes towards everything that the world offers him and it is not only because he sees it for the first time but because he has faith in the world, and trust is the basis of his desire to experiment and know. There is talk of facing the world with the innocence of children without prejudice, rancor and able to act simply by following their own instincts and curiosity. habits and ways of doing imposed by society. And is this not true happiness? An emotion very far from the selfishness reserved for individuals who are focused on themselves in a positive way, attentive to the needs of their body and mind. it's a choice and it's up to you: do we open that door?
The starting point is to give yourself what you really need. Everything is valid, from everyday choices to friends and people you surround yourself with, don't compromise but always ask yourself this question: does this choice I'm making make me happy? Indulge in what your mind and body ask of you, be it regular physical movement, meditation sessions or a bit of loneliness that scares many but has never hurt anyone! When you realize that you have stopped to punish you and to force yourself to do what you have no desire to do by social conventions or feelings of guilt, you will feel happiness knocking on your door in the form of smiles, will to live and energy.

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Happiness is a choice: the gratutidine diary

The gratitude diary is a good habit that leads us to reconsider our life and shows us things that we have always under our eyes but to which we pay too little attention in the rush to reach our goals and submit to all the commitments we set ourselves and that they pose to us. You need to write down 3 things you are grateful for every day in your gratutine diary. Look around and write what you are grateful for, it can be very small things, huge goals, achievements that for the first time you really appreciate, or small happinesses that you have granted yourself. And what are you grateful for today? Of the sun caressing your hair after a heavy winter? Of the smile of the neighbor who greeted you with true joy? Or of yourself that for once you have been able to say one of those no so painful but also so necessary. The gratitude diary leads you to develop a deep awareness of your life and emotions that too often you do not let go and leads you to re-evaluate who you are and what you have. Just like we told you at the beginning of this article, get used to focusing on what you have and never on what is missing.
Do it too: it can be a book or an ebook, you can make it with your hands or entrust your thoughts and thanks to flying slips.
Living with happiness of the heart is possible and this may be the time for you to reach a new awareness and cultivate the true essence of who you are. So, let yourself go to the emotions and immediately rediscover yourself happier. Why yes, happiness is a choice!

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