How to stop snoring? All the useful tricks

Snoring is a phenomenon that occurs during sleep, through the emission of an annoying noise that involves the nose and mouth. The cause is to be found in the pulmonary ventilation which in most cases is compromised. The remedies to stop exist. and we anticipate that it affects lifestyle a lot.Before continuing here is a themed video: how much to sleep based on the zodiac sign.

Behaviors to avoid to stop snoring

In itself the phenomenon of snoring would not be a serious pathology, but the problem arises when it is associated with other disorders such as those that we list below. Breathing is impaired due to incorrect passage of air in the throat.

  • sleep disorders
  • sleep apnea (very dangerous condition for health)
  • reversed sleep-wake cycle

We have collected below a whole series of incorrect and avoidable behaviors in order not to further aggravate the problem of snoring.

  • Eat a lot before bedtime
  • Go on a high calorie diet
  • Be sedentary
  • Drinking alcohol before bed (read here how to stop drinking)
  • Smoke a lot and before sleep
  • Use drugs with a sedative effect
  • Ignore or underestimate sleep apnea
  • Sleeping on your back
  • Do not go through a specific diagnostic path
  • If necessary, do not resort to surgery or other medical therapies

See also

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How to stop snoring: some tips

If you notice that other ailments such as sleep apnea appear in addition to snoring, you must see a doctor immediately and expose the problem well. There are specialized centers for the treatment of sleep disorders, and in some cases the use of the CPAP mask may be recommended.

Another thing to do is to focus on understanding what could be the triggering cause of the problem. In many cases the most common are: obesity, the deposit of fat around the neck, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, frequent use of sedative drugs. If you can find a cause, it's time to take action to fix it - by stopping drinking alcohol, smoking, or starting a low-calorie diet, for example.

Contacting the doctor is always the best thing: only he will be able to investigate thoroughly to detect the presence of:

  • swollen tongue
  • adenoids
  • tonsils
  • nasal polyps
  • deviation of the nasal septum
  • accumulation of secretions in the respiratory tract
  • rhinitis
  • sinusitis
  • soft palate problems

Often it will be the visit to the otolaryngologist to solve much of the problem through surgery aimed at restoring effective and efficient ventilation.

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7 ways to stop snoring you haven't thought of

Are you still wondering how to stop snoring? The further advice we can give you are the following:

  • avoid the supine position and sleep on your side
  • if he cannot sleep on the side, raise his head at least 20cm by using an extra pillow
  • try a pillow specifically designed to stop snoring
  • sing for at least 20 minutes a day to help tighten your throat muscles
  • do nasal washes before going to sleep
  • keep the bedroom well humidified (try the dehumidifier)
  • ask for advice on a mobile device that reduces snoring at night

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Foods to avoid and prefer

One of the things that most affects snoring and that you need to check if you want to stop snoring is your diet. We have collected a series of foods that are best avoided if you suffer from this problem, together with foods that are preferable and could be a valid help.

What not to eat?

  • Fast food items, such as chips, sandwiches, sweet and savory snacks.
  • Reduce or in some cases eliminate the portions of: pasta, bread, pizza, potatoes, derivatives, fatty cheeses, meats and fatty fish, cured meats, sausages, sweets.
  • Alcoholic
  • Whole milk.
  • Foods rich in connective tissue such as pork rinds, offal, molluscs.
  • Foods too rich in indigestible fibers: for example large portions of stewed or raw legumes.
  • Foods that cause reflux (chocolate, tomato, citrus).
  • Sodas

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There are no real foods to prefer, but healthy habits to keep in mind. For example, one of these provides that dinner is always the lightest meal of the day.
An example? 200g of grilled chicken breast, 200g of salad, 60g of bread (2 slices) and two tablespoons of oil.
What else to do?

  • Chew thoroughly.
  • Don't overdo the portions.
  • Prefer light and digestible foods:
  • Choose light cooking such as: pressure, steam, in foil, boiling, pan with low heat.

How to stop snoring: medications and medical treatments

There are some drugs on the market that can promote night rest, but it is always better to take them under strict medical supervision. To stop snoring, there are also real medical treatments which are used in the most serious cases.
In most cases, these surgeries serve to correct upper airway defects and involve: removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy), removal of adenoids (adenoidectomy), reduction of turbinates, septoplasty.

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Natural remedies to stop snoring

Those who snore at night do so because they cannot breathe well, but what can be done to go back to sleep peacefully even for the joy of the partner? There are some natural remedies.

  • Drinking herbal tea or valerian extract: both improve the quality of sleep.
  • Use essential oils: they help loosen mucus and reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes in the upper airways.
  • Use the nasal patch (you can find it on Amazon for € 13.99): it increases the flow of air from the nostrils and promotes breathing. How to apply it? After cleaning and drying the skin, remove the protective film and apply the patch by pressing lightly on the flaps. To remove the nasal patch in the morning, first lift the flaps and then gently peel off. It is recommended to use the nasal patches only once and for a maximum of 12 hours. The patches have a good seal and do not irritate the skin.

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Try the anti snoring nasal dilator (on Amazon for € 9.99).
It has a design that adapts perfectly to the shape of the nostrils and prevents snoring by improving the quality of sleep. Also avoid waking up in the morning with a headache, sore throat and dry mouth.In this way, the flow of air to the nostrils will increase and the habit of open mouth breathing during sleep (cause of many upper respiratory infections) will be eliminated.