Compact, liquid or cream foundation: do you know which one to choose?

Choosing the foundation makes the difference on the final result of the face make-up because perfecting the complexion in the correct way is the basis for having a well-groomed appearance.

Mineral powder formulations are also among the most interesting innovations. Find out in this video how the foundations of this category are applied.

The different types of foundation: which one suits you best?

To make the choice of foundation more complex - but only apparently - is the fact that there are various types. So in addition to the choice of color, you must also evaluate the most suitable texture according to your epidermis.
Here are the different formulations in particular:

- Fluid foundation: it is the most widespread on the market and is found in a tube, in a glass or plastic bottle and, a novelty of the moment in cushion, that is, soaked in a sort of spongy pillow from which to draw. It has a light texture and coverage can vary. Among the types of foundation it is the most versatile because based on its formulation it can be suitable for dry, normal or oily skin. It is applied with a latex sponge, with the special foundation brush with synthetic bristles or with fingertips.

See also

Powder, liquid or stick? Discover the highlighter that's right for you

How to choose the color of the foundation, in the shop or online

Depilatory cream: how to use it for safe hair removal?

Buy the Maybelline brand cushion foundation on Amazon for € 14.99

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- Compact cream foundation: less common than liquid but highly appreciated as, given its consistency, it guarantees greater coverage and is therefore more suitable in case of obvious discoloration of the skin. You can find it in pods, jars or sticks and it usually has a lipid-based formulation therefore not particularly suitable for oily skin or with excess sebum.

Buy the Max Factor stick foundation on Amazon for € 10.78 (51% discount)

- Compact powder foundation: the latest addition is made up of pressed powder pigments and comes in pods. It can be used both dry - it is applied with a down jacket or with a maxi-brush with soft bristles and has a rather light coverage - both when wet, it is applied with a moistened natural sponge and has a greater coverage.

Buy the VICHY compact foundation on Amazon for € 23.75

Foundation: how to choose the cooler that best suits your skin

And now let's move on to color; the fundamental rule to choose the right shade is only one, the foundation should always be used tone on tone of the skin or a lighter tone.
The reason? If a darker foundation were used, it would darken - and therefore emphasize - any imperfections (spots, enlarged pores, wrinkles, expression lines).

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To choose the right shade, try the various foundations under the wrist, because it is the color closest to that of the skin of the face. This applies in the period between the end of September and the end of May, that is, from when you stop sunbathing.

From late spring to the end of summer, try it in the center of the cheek. Even if we do not expose ourselves to direct rays, the skin changes color because the pigmentation process of the skin is activated anyway.

© iStock

And now here is a roundup of new foundations to choose from: from the cheapest, but still of quality, to the top of the range for the most demanding.

© The Balm The Balm Even Steven - € 22.90

Even the stars particularly care about their complexion and choose foundation capable of minimizing small skin defects (which they too have!). See in this gallery how their skin looks perfect!

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