5 ways to make your day a winner in just a few steps

In collaboration with Reebok

HonorYourBody, HonorYourDay, honor your body and honor your days. We must give value to the body in our daily life, because treating the body rightly means improving our mind and the relationships we have with what surrounds us.
This is the fundamental assumption from which to start: every day is important and you will spend it with your body from the first to the last moment. And it is precisely starting from the training of our body, in a broad sense, that we can look up and proceed to head held high. #HonorYourBody, let's talk about this.

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And now let's find out together how to make any day a winning day in just a few steps.

1. Start the day by becoming aware of your body

To start off on the right foot, you need to become aware of yourself and your breath. Notice your breathing, listen to it and guide it. Even after a long, deep sleep, your thoughts, anxieties and stress may not have left you. Place your hand exactly under your stomach and start breathing consciously: slowly fill the panic with air from your nose and throw it out of your mouth. Repeat for at least 10 times. With this simple gesture you will slowly regain your whole body and you can start your day with a different charge, a positive and winning charge!

2. Start with optimism: smile

As the day goes by, you smile. Smile to yourself, inside and out. You are the greatest saboteur of yourself but from today you begin to change your perspective: in reality you are your greatest ally, and you can do it! But above all, if not you, who? Think positively, for every sad thing think two happy. The mind is connected to the body and therefore: if the mind is happy, energy flows briskly in the body.

3. Train your body to face the day

Our body is the first to give in to fatigue, sadness, pessimism. You can read it from the positions we take. So train it, no matter what type of sport you choose, find the one that best suits your way of life but dare a little, indulge your curiosity and try different ones. When your tired body is pampered by the satisfaction you feel, when the energy of the body smiles at the mind, you will truly feel that you are honoring your body and your days, and connecting the mind to the body. Look at these women, each has found their own way to honor him:

© Reebok #HonorYourBody

4. Set your goals, don't let others impose them on you

Every day is a winner if you set yourself small daily goals. Hear from a friend you haven't heard for a long time, prepare a different dinner, spend more time on sports. Simple goals that immediately act on a good mood. Because good humor is contagious and your day, through the satisfactions, will be honored as it should be.

5. Give yourself time just for yourself

Do you have a passion? Give it some time. Do you like to play sports? Don't hesitate. Do you need to walk outdoors? The time is right. Only by dedicating a little time to ourselves can we understand its extreme importance, the immense value that that short time has on the whole day. It doesn't matter, in short, how each of us will spend that time, the important thing is to find it, carve out a moment in which we are the protagonists of our choices. Thus, the day will be truly winning!

© Reebok

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