Like eating an ice cream cone without losing your dignity

Why avoid the ice cream cone on your first date? Because unfortunately, one of the delights of the summer, has at least two flaws: the first is that it can turn out to be a disaster for the outfit and dignity, when dripping everywhere you look like survivors of a plane crash; the second is that she has a cheeky erotic sense, which in a few minutes could turn you into desperate men hunters rather than elegant ladies of yesteryear. So here are some tips to enjoy your ice cream without too many worries. sexier "aftertaste", check it out here (along with lots of amazing tips):

1. The right position to eat the ice cream cone

Well, assuming that even the best ice cream eaters could be wrong, you should always choose a position that limits the damage, which allows you to stem the damage of the murderous casting. First point, therefore, equip yourself with a napkin, which wraps the cone and maybe some other napkin to hold in your hands
(for all eventualities). Second point, the position: if you are seated at a table, better, but if you are standing, then it is better to keep the legs slightly open, the torso forward and the elbows slightly arranged upwards, so as to limit the dripping from the arm.

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2. How to eat ice cream on the cone

Here is the big question: how do you eat an ice cream cone? The first idea that you must have in mind is that the cone can be tasted later. At the beginning it is the case to attack the cone, before it attacks you. Once you have reduced the risk of falling, then you can relax. To eat it right then rotate your hand 360 degrees, counter-clockwise, licking the ice cream from the bottom up. The pressure of the tongue must be light, and avoid spreading the tongue in the sun, it's just ice cream! Licking the ice cream with grace, therefore, but with discreet speed and always licking the whole contour, you will get a cone with a perfect ball of ice cream on top. This is the moment when you can start enjoying your ice cream with greater relaxation!
Alternative to wild licking? The tea spoon. Some choose it, to avoid damage and save face!

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3. Pay attention to the cone

The cone also wants its part. Be careful from the start: the cone must not be subjected to pressure from the hand on the sides and from the top while licking, it could break and in that case you should pour the ice cream into a cup. Once you have a manageable ball of ice cream, gently press the ice cream from top to bottom with your tongue. In doing so, when the time comes to bite the cone, you will always have ice cream to enjoy.
What to add? If you follow our advice, while the others use all the napkins in the room to clean themselves, you will be enjoying the end of the cone, absolutely to eat all in one bite!

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Ice-cream? Right into the nails! Here's how, look:

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