5 things I do every day to teach my child respect for women

Raising mature, independent and self-confident men who respect women and know how to empathize with them is a duty for all mothers. Since all children already know how to love the good things in life, why not teach them to respect them? Look here:

  1. · 1. Feel and respect your feelings
  2. · 2. Show that women are strong
  3. · 3. Accept the differences in the body
  4. · 4. Share with everyone
  5. · 5. Accept the no, understand the limit

1. Feel and respect your feelings

Understanding one's feelings, accepting also fragility, sadness and weakness is fundamental. Man too can and must betray the stereotype of manhood. My child must be able to understand that he is allowed to cry, be weak and feel welcomed, because it is natural for him to feel that way too. Only by accepting negative emotions, can he grow emotionally healthy.

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2. Show that women are strong

The stereotype of the fragile woman, unable to manage her own suffering and dominated by her man, as dependent on him, is another enemy to fight and another message that I would prefer not to convey to my son. We can build a complete life even without a man who is there to support and support us and indeed: we have fought for it to come to this, we are strong. So: the duties of the house are divided between me and the father, and it is not always me who carries out those that would be associated with a woman. It is I, from time to time, who use the screwdriver and my husband who vacuum cleaners. He can iron the shirts himself if he needs them and so on ... It is important to understand that there are differences between men and women, but this does not make us less strong than a man.

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3. Accept the differences in the body

Respecting one's own body and the body of others, in today's age, seems even more fundamental. Everything must be respected: the fat, the thin, the white, the black, the different from oneself, the self. yes, it eliminates frustrations. So you have to try to let your child know the corporeality as freely as possible. I talk to him about how natural it is to have differences, that this makes us special, and that respecting the body of others is very important. The woman's body will fit into the "normal" view of reality, not as an object to be abused.

4. Share with everyone

I encourage my son to also cultivate friendships with sissies, in this way they will learn to know them and will not develop an idea of ​​the female world distorted by reality. Having confidence with your girlfriends, without mythologizing them, hating them, discriminating or perceiving them as alien, helps. Sharing, therefore, with the opposite sex, as well as with one's own, helps to make any kind of relationship natural.

5. Accept the no, understand the limit

No is no. Whether it's my no, or his no. Respecting the limits, even in the game, when faced with a no, it is important to understand when you should not overdo it. A simple example is if we are playing and I tickle him. If my child asks me to stop, I do. In the same way, I expect him to stop if I am tired during the game. Thus he will understand that his NOs have a value, and in the same way those of those around him have a value.

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