3 DIY kids games: how to make slime at home without glue

When you have a child at home there are many options to cultivate his passions, in a fun and educational way. The greatest satisfactions come when you create a game with your own hands that will become your favorite pastime in no time at all. Find out in this video how to make a game for children in just 3 minutes! Proof of mothers in smart working and full time jobs.

So is slime

Typically on weekends or during party breaks during the year, you have more time to spend with your children so it is an excellent strategy to invent some games at home to make together and make them have fun in a safe way. By recovering some commonly used materials, it is possible to create excellent alternatives to the classic games on sale in stores: green light to creativity!

One substance that attracts children a lot is slime; do you know what it is?
Slime is a slimy and sticky modeling paste that can be used to stab hands and have a lot of fun! There are many recipes to make it within the walls of the house, but the "original" one involves the use of vinyl glue, such as Vinavil, hot water, food coloring (if we wanted to give it a rainbow appearance), and powdered borax.

Obviously, the basic recipe is not suitable for an "activity to be carried out with the little ones, which is why an avalanche has sprung up to make it safe in moments dedicated to the family. Just replace the classic ingredients with some simpler and less toxic ones.

We present our favorite variant, that is the homemade slime without glue, achievable through 3 methods; ideal to create with children attending elementary school or kindergarten. Because the best game is DIY!

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The greener glue-free slime: with corn starch

The development is really very simple, but be careful to follow all the steps well in order to get a beautiful colorful and fun slime! Don't get down on it if it doesn't come out right the first time, you may need a few tries to achieve the perfect consistency.


  • 140 gr of corn starch (Maizena);
  • 250 ml of hot water;
  • food coloring;

This type of slime is really easy to make and will take you a few minutes to make! Let's see how it's done. For the most ecological type of glue-free slime, mix the cornstarch with the water with the help of a teaspoon and knead the dough until it reaches the desired consistency. Place the slime in the freezer for 10 minutes, checking each so that it doesn't harden too much. Pull it out and get ready to play!

We have proposed the version without color, therefore transparent, but since we know how much children love cheerful things, we recommend that you make a colored slime. How to do? First mix the food coloring with the hot water and then add the cornstarch. You will get a nice elastic and compact slime.

If you like the green version, you can make another type of slime with corn starch: the slime that moves. Instead of water, use seed oil. In this recipe you will need 90g of corn starch and 500ml of oil. Mix them together and let the mixture rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, stir the pasta and then enjoy!

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The softest glue-free slime: with shampoo and toothpaste

The first time that children discovered this modeling clay was in the '80s, when the movie "Ghostbusters - The" Ghostbusters "was broadcast at the box office: one of the characters was called" Slimer ", a decidedly slimy ghost (it tells you nothing that "green being that fluttered in so many scenes?) And since then it has been love at first sight.

Slime drives kids crazy, but did you know that adults also use it a lot to get rid of stress? After the glue-free slime with corn starch we suggest another simple and do-it-yourself recipe to have a home stress reliever in a few steps! Once finished you will get a paste that you can stretch and twist as you like, able to have every time a different shape.


  • toothpaste possibly in gel, shower gel or hair gel;
  • thick shampoo, the most consistent you will find in the house;
  • glitter;
  • dye;
  • pinch of salt;
  • Bowl;
  • spatula / teaspoon;

Put an equal amount of gel and shampoo in a bowl and mix with the help of the spoon or spatula. Make sure to keep a fast pace until you get a homogeneous consistency. Add the pinch of salt and mix a little more until the reaction occurs, at this point the slime should not be too liquid (in which case add some toothpaste).
Now add the non-powder dye and glitter, preferably few. Put the mixture in the freezer for 5-10 minutes maximum: the slime is ready when it is no longer liquid!

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The most fragrant glue-free slime: with Marseille soap

Who doesn't love a good clean scent? You can also recreate it on your slime, using an ingredient widely used in home laundries: Marseille soap!


  • 100gr of Marseille soap flakes;
  • 1/2 lt of hot water;
  • 50g of corn starch;
  • food coloring;
  • whip;

Mix in a bowl of boiling water and the soap flakes (maybe make the children jump this part), to which the dye can be added once dissolved. Mix everything and let it rest for about 1 hour. Then work the dough with a whisk until you get the slimy consistency typical of slime. If the consistency is too soft, add a little starch.

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