Sore throat in pregnancy: how to deal with it

Everyone gets a cold, especially in the winter months! If you are pregnant, your body undergoes a series of changes that can also be stressful and make it even more sensitive to seasonal diseases. Immune defenses are lowered and viruses find fertile ground to spread. The colder and more humid winter weather increases the risk of flu.

Discover anti-cold foods, the allies of your well-being at the table!

The first symptoms

It all starts with a cold, a viral infection: contagion occurs precisely by being in contact with an infected person or with the droplets that a cooled person emits when coughing or sneezing.
The first thing to do in case of a cold, sore throat or flu during pregnancy is to stay calm: there is no danger for the mother or for the children but it is good to keep the situation under control to prevent the infection from getting worse .

After a few days from the infection, it is typical to experience congestion in the upper respiratory tract, with production of mucus also very abundant and the annoying sensation of "stuffy nose" which is generally accompanied by sneezing, coughing, sore throat, tiredness, headache, bone pain, no fever.

See also

Propolis in pregnancy: can it be taken in case of sore throat?

Cough in pregnancy: symptoms and natural remedies to calm cough and sore throat

Curettage: everything you need to know to best deal with it

The cold in pregnancy

What you catch during pregnancy is just a common cold: the difference is that if you are pregnant you cannot cure yourself as you would at any other time. Many drugs are not recommended (others prohibited) in pregnancies and therefore the healing times of pregnant women are lengthened.

In most cases this symptomatology evolves spontaneously and everything passes within a couple of weeks without the need to take drugs. However, if you want to alleviate the symptoms of sore throat and colds a little, you can resort to some good habits and natural "grandmother's" remedies.

A sore throat is just small daily difficulties that can happen to you in the 9 months of pregnancy!

See also: The problems of pregnancy: daily difficulties of a pregnant woman according to Line Severinsen

© Instagram Line Severinsen The problems of pregnancy according to Line Severinsen

The right moves to relieve symptoms

Resting will do you good
We are certainly not asking you to stay in bed all day for a simple sore throat, but if you slow down a little and take it easy, your body will respond to the ailment more quickly. When you are sick, it happens to feel tired, weak and exhausted and rest in these cases is the best solution. Pace and you take it easy your body will respond to the ailment more quickly.

Fill up on vitamins
Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Your body needs minerals and vitamins which are very important for reactivating the immune system.
Then remember to drink lots of water, tea and herbal teas.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature
Don't go from hot to cold without covering yourself carefully!

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Natural remedies for sore throat

Honey and lemon are natural remedies capable of calming throat irritation.
So yes to tea and herbal teas with honey and lemon, or alternatively to hot milk with honey.

To relieve the symptoms of sore throat you can also gargle with salt water, without swallowing or fumigate by putting a towel on your head and breathing in the vapors of very hot water in which you have dissolved a few drops of balsamic essential oil.

Aerosol can also be a good alternative to moisturize the red throat and upper respiratory tract.

Humidifying the air around you will also give you relief, with an evaporator with essential oil of peppermint or eucalyptus with balsamic and emollient power.

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What if the temperature rises?

However, if the temperature starts to rise, already with a fever of 37.5 it is good to warn the doctor: the situation could worsen with bacterial superinfections that may require the intervention of antibiotics (there are types that can be taken even during pregnancy and obviously these drugs must be prescribed by the doctor!). The worsening of the situation can lead to otitis, bronchitis, sinusitis or bronchopneumonia.

Remember that antibiotics should never be used for colds which are caused by viruses and not bacteria! Taking antibiotics for sore throat during pregnancy must only be requested by the doctor after establishing that it is a bacterial infection.

What drugs in pregnancy?

Expectant women can take very few types of drugs: care must be taken and never rely on do-it-yourself.
The most suitable medicine for mothers and children is paracetamol, that of tachipirina. Paracetamol is useful because it has an antipyretic action and is also effective against pain.

Anti-inflammatories, decongestants nasal and oral sprays, expectorant or antitussive drugs against coughs, also available without a prescription, should never be taken during pregnancy without the opinion of the doctor who assesses the actual absolute necessity

In fact, there are drugs that you take without prescription such as ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid and decongestants such as nasal sprays are to be absolutely avoided during pregnancy! Even homeopathic medicines and a natural remedy such as propolis should not be taken without the advice of an expert. This is because, for example, propolis has not been sufficiently tested on pregnant women. Always read the package leaflets, call your doctor and don't trust word of mouth!

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Basic tips for not getting the flu

Do not be in contact with those who are cold
Do not use other people's plates and cutlery
Wash your hands often and always before meals
Don't get too cold
Air your home naturally
Choose a dehumidifier for your rooms

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