6 myths about cellulite, the number one enemy of us women!

Cellulite is one of the many female enemies. In fact, this imperfection affects 9 out of 10 women and not by chance.
In fact, the main causes of the so-called orange peel skin are hormonal imbalances (between estrogen and progesterone) and the notorious water retention.

But are you sure you know everything about cellulite? And most importantly, that everything you know is true?

Speaking of cellulite, one of the few certainties is that physical activity can help to counteract it. But not all exercises are good. Watch the video for those most suitable for fighting orange peel skin!

1. If you lose weight, the cellulite disappears: FALSE

It would be nice huh ?! Unfortunately, weight loss is not the magic wand with which to make cellulite disappear. Getting rid of the extra pounds certainly helps, but it certainly doesn't eliminate the problem. Once it has made its appearance, it remains there, especially if it is due to a hormonal factor or poor circulation.

If, on the other hand, it is mainly linked to a speech of water retention, you can undertake to take better care of the diet with an ad hoc diet and to keep the body purified, adding, for example, detoxifying foods, such as these, which are always of great help. if you want to avoid heaviness and swelling.

See also

The 3 things about cellulite that nobody knows

Cellulite: the most frequent causes and the remedies to cure it

How to cure cellulite: useful tips to fight it and counteract its recom See also: Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

© iStock Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

2. Thin women do not have cellulite: FALSE

Absolutely not! It is a false belief that thin women are exempt from this unpleasant, typically feminine defect. This is because, fundamentally, cellulite does not depend on a simple excess fat, but has more to do with a blood circulation issue. It is for this reason that the weight of the body does not have such a decisive influence on its formation, it is rather a fluctuation in weight that worsens dimples, furrows and depressions that are generated, however, for other reasons, which affect all women.

3. Eating healthy, drinking water and exercising are enough to eliminate cellulite: FALSE

A healthy lifestyle, a "balanced diet - rich in fiber, vegetables and fruit - good hydration and" constant physical activity are fundamental and essential steps to reduce cellulite, but unfortunately they are not enough. This disorder in fact covers the subcutaneous layer of the epidermis and that is why it requires a localized shock treatment that acts precisely and directly on the area in question. At the same time, however, keeping hydrated (by drinking at least two liters of water a day), eating well and exercising regularly and constantly become allies of fundamental importance in our fight against orange peel.

4. Anti-cellulite creams are dangerous to health: FALSE

We are faced with an urban legend that has been chasing each other for some time, but which needs a denial and clarification. There are different types of anti-cellulite, cosmetic and pharmaceutical creams on the market. In particular, false news has spread, especially on the web, which attribute to some of these a certain danger on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

This cannot happen because our skin acts as a barrier to the passage of the active ingredient, excluding systemic interference, and therefore an effect on thyroid function. By applying a cream to the skin, the active ingredient has a targeted action locally, acting specifically on cellulite.

Not surprisingly, there are several studies carried out by industry experts and major universities that prove all this, while there is no evidence to confirm this false news.

5. Cellulite appears only with age: FALSE

No, unfortunately cellulite affects women of all weights and ages. Without a doubt, the passage of time affects the lower elasticity of the skin, but as already mentioned, there are several factors that cause it, therefore it can affect us at any time of our life. More than anything else, our (bad) habits, combined with hormonal imbalances and poor circulation, determine their appearance.

6. Cellulite is simply excess fat: FALSE

This is not exactly the case. Yes, these are fat pads but, unlike regular fat, they are "trapped" between the fibers of the connective tissue, therefore far from the blood flow. And it is precisely this particular positioning that makes their elimination more difficult, as the blood reaches the cellulite layer with greater difficulty, hindering the correct combustion of these fat cells.

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