Decline in desire for new fathers

It is a mistaken belief: postpartum depression also affects fathers, about 1 in 10 fathers suffer from it compared to 1 in 5 mothers. The reasons? Well, they are not difficult to guess: the newborn attracts all the attention and commitment of the mother, who almost always feels able to do everything on her own and begins to neglect her partner.
It is exactly here that the new father begins to feel excluded, cut off from a symbiotic relationship that favors the mother and the child.

But there is more: an American study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine and conducted through a questionnaire submitted to 114 new fathers reveals very unequivocally that even men are particularly stressed by the "baby cyclone", a real revolution that alters the rhythms and habits of the couple, and this stress, as it is easy to guess, often occurs turns into a real decrease in sexual desire.

Tags:  Properly Parenthood Actuality