5 things we hate about autumn

And "a moment, first you walk calmly in your light trench coat and, suddenly, cold and humidity take over you and your field of vision. What are the things we hate about this season?

1. The incomprehensible temperatures

Now it pours. Then there is the sun. Then it pours with the sun and we, poor girls victims of the events, find ourselves first with wet feet and warm knees, then we change outfits and have dry feet and cold hands.
Finding suitable clothing is virtually impossible.

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2. Everything there is under the leaves

Beautiful, colorful and perfect to post on Instagram, but how many times have we risked our lives because we slipped? How many times, canine and unexpected gifts were hidden under the leaves, although they brought a lot of luck?

3. Umbrellas

We buy them all the time and yet we lose them, they break or we pretend we have lost them because they are broken.

4. Sore throat

As punctual as waxing before a day in the pool, a sore throat shows up at our door on the weekend, usually a minute after leaving the office on a Friday night.

5. The fog

We don't know who invented it but it sure was a man. Bald.
Go out in the morning with some semi-acceptable hair but, after a few minutes, you have the same curly hairstyle as Whitney Houston.

... Ready to hold out until spring returns?

Tags:  Lifestyle In Shape Parenthood