Drinks that make you fat: all the enemy drinks in the line!

Even if we pay close attention to what we eat, we often forget that what we drink is also essential if we want to keep fit.There are in fact some drinks that make us gain weight quickly, despite what one might think.

Not only that, even some apparently healthy foods are high in calories and can help us gain weight quickly. Here is a list in the video below.

Below you will find the main drinks and the calories contained in each of them. Are you ready to discover the drinks that make you fat?
Take note and then try to limit your consumption if you want to keep fit.

See also

Alcohol Calories: Which Drinks Make You Fat?

Potatoes make you fat: true or false?

Do crackers make you fat or can you eat them on a diet?

Fruit juices

They are healthy and high in vitamins, but if you don't go for the natural versions, they can get very high in calories.
A 200ml glass of fruit juice has between 90 and 100 calories.
If you drink three glasses a day, you consume as many calories as you would if you ate half a bar of chocolate.

To avoid ingesting too many calories, opt for 100% natural, sugar-free juices.
For a more detox diet, it would be better to prefer centrifuged and vegetable juices, because they are lower in calories. You can opt for a tasty and healthy mix of fruits and vegetables!

Alcoholic beverages

Did you know that an alcoholic drink has as many calories as a fruit juice? A glass of 200 ml has in fact about 90 calories.
If you like the taste, opt for the sugar-free, light or zero versions. Don't overdo it though, and don't drink too many a day, as these drinks contain acids that can damage your teeth.


In summer it is difficult to do without it, but beware, chocolate, vanilla or strawberry are real calorie bombs. In fact, 250 ml contain an average of 300 calories.
However, compared to other summer specialties, such as the coffee frappe (570 calories) or the chocolate frappe (730 calories), smoothies are still a "reasonable option."

Our advice? Make your own smoothies using low calorie fruits.


A glass of 200 ml on average contains about 80 calories. It also depends on the type of beer: light ones, such as black beer or wheat beer, have about 40 calories per 100 ml, while strong beers exceed 50.

Beers with little or no alcohol are then a good option to take care of your line without doing without this drink, although in a decidedly light version. In fact, in these variants, only 25 calories are consumed per 100 ml.

The wine

White or red wine? From a caloric point of view there is not that much difference: a 125 ml glass of white has about 80 calories, while a red can reach 100. However, drinking it in moderation is possible and can also be beneficial to health, as long as it is in contained measures and not every day.

The coffee

We love it in a thousand ways: black, macchiato, macchiato, cappuccino, mocaccino or with ginseng. Coffee is the ideal breakfast for almost everyone, because it wakes us up and gives us the energy to face the day.

But how many calories are there in coffee? If you like to vary when you drink your coffee, it is good that you know that not all types contain the same amount of calories and that some may even amount to a small meal. A 300ml glass of latte macchiato can reach 160 calories. If you choose a syrup-sweetened variety, you need to add about 50 extra calories. Fortunately, cappuccino has fewer calories: 200 ml equals only 50 calories.

Interesting: a regular coffee with milk and sugar contains 74 calories. Drink black coffee better, it is practically calorie-free. And if you don't mind ... Choose saccharin!


There are many types of cocktails and the calorie content is very different from one to the other, but there is one thing they have in common: none of them are low calorie. Surprisingly, the piña coladas, with cream, have the same calories as a glass of fruity tequila, which is around 200 calories in a 200ml glass. A caipirinha has even more: 320 calories per 300 ml.

Vodka-juice combinations, such as vodka and orange, contain 155 calories per 150ml glass, although they are usually the least caloric.

Living healthy, first of all

In addition to paying attention to what you drink and eat, try to lead a healthy life based on good eating habits and constant physical activity. A sedentary life is in fact the enemy of line and health.

You can start introducing these foods with strong detox power to your table more regularly!

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