Flexitarian: what does it mean to be able to eat flexibly?

Being flexitarian allows you not to have to completely give up animal proteins, which remain an integral part of your diet. The only difference is that the quantities of meat, fish and other animal derivatives are considerably reduced. The advantage? Not having to give up on anything and being in all respects, extremely flexible. Before continuing to read, watch the video here below to learn how to prepare avocado.

What does it mean to be flexitarian?

Flexitarian comes from the words "flexible" And "vegetarian", to define a diet in which the consumption of plant-based meals increases, without completely giving up meat or other animal derivatives. A diet of this type has scientific evidence of health on its side, but at the same time it also becomes the best choice that allows you to reduce the impact on the environment and pollute less, saving money. The flexitarian diet is also having great success because it facilitates the transition from an omnivorous diet to a diet that involves less meat consumption.
Let us remember that every diet must be customized according to the specific needs of an individual, so the important thing is not to do your own thing, but to be followed by an expert. In any case, the flexitarian diet will consist of three main meals and two snacks, and starting gradually, it may then become a standard type of diet to be considered for the rest of one's life.

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Flexitarian Diet: How Does It Work?

The flexible diet is useful for not feeling trapped in rigid diets that do not reflect us. Usually the main advice is to try to be flexitarian for at least 5 weeks trying to understand what is going and what is wrong, until the decision to take this path for a longer period of time. Three levels can be defined regarding the flexitarian diet.

  • Base

This is the level to begin with, during which beginners try to cut down on animal protein and eliminate it entirely for at least 2 days a week.

  • Advanced

If the first test went well, within the second level called advanced, you can think of leaving out animal proteins and especially meat for at least 3 or 4 days a week.

  • Expert

Finally, those who arrive at the expert level can be defined as a true flexitarian who manages to almost completely renounce meat, consuming it only sporadically.

At all levels, meat assumes a mere role as a side dish, ceasing to be the protagonist of all meals. But even more important, it is above all the amount of plant foods added to the diet: legumes, nuts, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables in general. Another fundamental aspect is the reduction of industrial sugars, foods containing preservatives and salt such as snacks and sweets must be replaced with natural and healthy foods. The simplicity of a yogurt, a fruit or dried fruit is unmatched!

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What to eat if you want to become a flexitarian: rules to follow

The rules underlying a diet for flexitarians are simple, we have already revealed some of them in the previous paragraphs, but now let's try to deepen them. What is certain is that increasing the consumption of fresh or dried fruit, vegetables and animal proteins in small quantities will benefit the whole organism by lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as preventing cardiovascular diseases.

1 - More fruit and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are the basis of any food pyramid, which means that they must always be present on our tables, possibly at every meal. It is important to opt for seasonal fruit and vegetables, to be preferred over any other snack, in order to limit the intake of baked goods and carbohydrates in general. This way, it will be easy to keep your weight and blood sugar under control. The same thing is true for dried fruit, and especially almonds, which in the face of a low calorie intake contain a good dose of fiber and protein.

2 - Portions of legumes and whole foods
Legumes are often mistreated and eliminated from the diet: there are those who do not eat them because they do not like the taste and who, on the other hand, believe they can be harmful. rich in vegetable proteins. The same goes for oil seeds such as flax seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, tasty and also useful as a condiment. Finally, whole grains such as spelled and barley, will always be preferred to refined ones: they are much richer in fiber, they satiate and contribute to the well-being of the intestine.

3 - Animal proteins: how to regulate?
We have said from the beginning that the flexitarian diet includes small and sporadic portions of animal protein. Their presence serves the muscles to stay toned, but limited quantities of meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are enough to achieve this goal.

4 - Simple recipes with km 0 ingredients
One last idea that we want to give you to enrich your flexitarian meals, is to let yourself be inspired by regional recipes: they have an excellent balance of nutrients, are often rich in good proteins, and have the great advantage of being able to use fresh and high-quality ingredients. km 0.

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What results to expect from the flexitarian diet?

In addition to becoming a full-fledged lifestyle, flexitarianism helps you lose weight gradually, improving your overall health. This new way of eating is gaining momentum, but we must consider that it will never be totally effective without adequate physical activity. In reality, as we all know, no diet without being assisted by movement can guarantee the physical and psychological well-being of the individual. There is no need to engage in extreme sports or those that are counterproductive for our body: a walk in nature, a nice ride on a bicycle, can be enough to be healthy and fit.

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