Indigo children: who they are and how to recognize them, if you believe them ...

A theory from the 1980s tells us about indigo children. This theory was founded by psychologist Nancy Ann Tappe, who claimed that she could understand people by reading the colors of their aura. In her studies she later discovered that the aura of some children it was indigo blue, and that these children had some important characteristics in common.

Lee Carroll and his wife Jan Tober then deepened the theory of the stages with their book "The Indigo Children The New Kids Have Arrived", which describes indigo children as the "new children" and which represents a milestone in literature. for those who believe in this theory. Indigo children have, among other characteristics, that of being restless and hyperactive, but many children are. If you also have some problems, follow the advice of nanny Simona:

Characteristics of indigo children

According to the theories, indigo children are distinguished by their particular psychic abilities. They are very sensitive, empathetic, they are able to perceive and experience the emotions of others in an all-encompassing way. They are very creative, have great intellectual and technological abilities, and a high sense of morals. Those who support this theory and have a strong predisposition to spirituality, believe that these children have paranormal attitudes and are able to talk to angels. They are rebellious against discipline and imposed rules and are very often hyperactive children. Indigo children do not appear to have any particular physical characteristics, except a very penetrating gaze.

See also

Hyperactive children: how to recognize and calm them

Birth pains: how to recognize them and what methods to use to overcome them

Precocious children

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Differences between indigo and crystal children

In addition to indigo children, there are also crystal children, always defined in this way by the luminescence of their aura. What are the differences between these two types of children? Indigo children were born between the 1970s and 2000s. They have a more aggressive and combative nature. They are precocious children, a sort of warriors of spirituality who aim to dispel old myths and bring new light to values. Crystal children, on the other hand, are the direct successors of the latter, they are born after 2000. They are more evolved, calm and pacifists and have a great ability to open their hearts to teach us the value of love.

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Indigo children, how to recognize them

Considering that the listed characteristics are not visible at first glance, how would one recognize an indigo child then? If you find yourself in front of a very stubborn child, who dreams big and makes very ambitious projects, very creative but with difficulty concentrating, or who uses technology like you never in life, does not follow the rules, lives with discomfort in certain contexts and says he talks to angels, which he could hardly calm down, could be an indigo. Or maybe, just an imaginative, outgoing and terrible child.

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Be that as it may, children are always beautiful, each with its own particularities. Look at these babies like their dolls!

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