Stress acne: how do i get rid of it?

One morning you wake up and there they are, those unsightly blackheads that just don't go down. Don't worry, we all have periods where hormones play this kind of joke ... the important thing is to know how to fight! How? By reading our article on acne and stress and reviewing the basic steps for a beauty routine effective. Watch the video and copy our steps to get blackhead free skin!

What is stress and how it evolves

Our skin is the business card that shows the world how we feel, physically and psychologically. If you have suffered from acne in the past or are suffering from it now, you know what we are talking about: having a part of your face covered with blackheads, eczema and psoriasis is something really stressful.

In this article we want to emphasize the link between pressing psychophysical situations (at work or at home) and the appearance of pimples on the face. We will also see some techniques to reduce stress in a natural way.

Before going into the subject, let's understand what we talk about when we are subjected to moments of great emotional load.

We assume that each of us is different from the other and manages situations differently; therefore it is correct to define stress as a highly personal emotional state.
There are two types of stress, one "good" (eustress) and one "bad" (distress): in the first, the body receives a rush of adrenaline, a hormone that raises blood pressure and causes the body to Let us see it as a legacy of our ancestors who, in the face of dangerous situations, could guarantee their survival by fleeing or fighting. This type of stress is essential to keep us healthy and happy.
In the second case, the pressing situation has psychological origins, such as anxiety about one's private life, frustration at work and worries about social relationships. In this context, the pressure only increases, because the expectations of society they are unattainable by the subject; it is no coincidence that the percentage of cases of exhaustion has been growing in recent years.

Harmful stress can also have repercussions on a physical level, on metabolism and on sleep. Even on the skin, through the appearance of acne even in adults who had never suffered from this disorder before.

See also

Natural remedies for acne: here are the most effective

Maskne: what it is and how to fight mask acne

How to cure acne: all the remedies to fight it

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Because stress causes pimples to appear

For many people the connection between stress and pimples is not so immediate: the skin needs time to process our inner state, and consequently a few days can pass from the stressful moment to the exacerbation of the typical redness attached to dermatological impurities.

This lapse of time, sometimes even prolonged, has meant that for a long time food was thought of as the only copious amount for the onset of pimples. However, science has overturned this concept and attributed the main triggers of adult acne to hormones and emotional stress.

Imperfections therefore develop due to some hormones (for example cortisol) that are produced when our body is subjected to strong stress. Nerve proteins such as insulin and proteins that trigger inflammation are also developed. The combination of all these internal processes causes the sebaceous glands to be altered in their balance and therefore aggravate acne.

A lot of research has been done on the subject and most of them have highlighted how the subjects themselves have attributed to the strong stress a worsening of their dermatological condition (it is even estimated a percentage that varies from 50% to 80%). Just think of how you behave when a new blackhead appears: you try to crush it or in any case resist the temptation to do so. If you find yourself in a particularly stressful moment of your life, it can also happen that you inadvertently touch the "impurity, thus spreading both the bacteria and the" inflammation, and turning your mild acne into severe (excoriated acne).

Once the impurities are unleashed, and if the stress persists, it can even slow down the healing of scars.

In short, a condition certainly not pleasant, which undermines self-esteem and the relationship with others.
Now let's see what are the hallmarks of stress acne and how to treat it.

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Stress acne: how to recognize it

Stress acne is a momentary and widespread dermatological condition, which can strike at any age.
It can manifest itself both on the face and on the body and if treated with the right precautions, it is possible to solve it in a short time. If the problem persists, remember that it is always good practice to ask for a consultation with the dermatologist.

This type of inflammation occurs on the skin in the form of abundant blackheads, white comedones and pimples. Acne is a fairly widespread and accepted disorder among young people, but in adults it is a reason for insecurity. Fortunately, it is a totally solvable condition if caught in time.

What are the characteristics of stress pimples?

  • they can appear unexpectedly, even in a few hours, and in subjects who do not have combination and oily skin;
  • they have no age and there is no difference between men and women;
  • on the face they are placed purely in the center of the forehead, under the cheekbones and also on the chin;
  • they are smaller than the classic boils, but the inflammation is more extensive and therefore the number is greater.

After recognizing its presence on your skin, you can move on to understand how to treat it in the most effective way, to get rid of it once and for all!

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Check your tensions

To eliminate stress acne, there are remedies, including natural ones, that do not involve taking drugs.
First of all, however, it is good to start from the triggering cause that brought the excess sebum to the outside, that is the origin of the pressing situation. Once identified, you know how to act!
Keeping the level of stress under control is already an excellent step to improve the well-being of our person and our skin.

Here are some tips you can follow to keep your mood high and control internal tension:

  • Do some simple relaxation techniques; depending on the person this will mean meditation, autogenic training, yoga or wellness treatments. All of these techniques can help you relax, develop a positive mental attitude and improve your self-esteem.
  • Spend time on sports; exercise! It is proven that sport releases endorphins, the hormones of good mood, into our body. Thanks to them you will feel calmer and be able to relax. You don't have to try too hard, some targeted total body exercises to be performed at home may also be enough.
  • Improve your nutrition; supplement your diet with lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. The precious nutrients contained within them will allow you to face daily challenges in the best way. Increase your fluid intake, but limit as much alcohol as possible which triggers insulin production and causes stress to burst on your face.

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5 do-it-yourself remedies to fight stress acne

We offer you some treatments that will not only help you fight the battle against acne, but will limit the onset of the problem (yes, because unfortunately this phenomenon has a recurring nature ...). If even with these precautions little or nothing changes, contact a specialist who will be able to indicate the right direction to take.

These are 5 remedies to take immediately in your skincare, aimed at making those ugly blackheads disappear from the face:

  • cleanse the skin of the face well; it must become a daily routine.The key word is delicacy, because you absolutely must not go to inflame the skin. Prefer products with mildly aggressive ingredients; use micellar water, cleansing milk and face masks. Make your choice according to your skin type. After cleansing, take care to scrub at least once a week;
  • never squeeze blackheads and don't tease boils. In case of high temperatures, protect them with a sunscreen;
  • drink relaxing herbal teas with lemon balm, passion flower or hawthorn. In herbal medicine there are special dry anti-stress extracts containing these plants;
  • help yourself with flower therapy that gives "good results when the origin of the anxiety" is of a psycho-emotional nature. For example, you can try to take the famous Bach flowers, perfect to make you feel calmer and healthier, adding a few drops to the your face cream The most suitable for impure skin are Walnut, Clematis and Crab Apple;
  • uses aloe vera gel to reduce redness and any itching caused by stress acne. The effects will be seen already after the very first applications. Aloe is an anti-inflammatory, astringent and healing plant and therefore perfect for eliminating this imperfection.

stress acne: one remedy is aloe vera