ASMR: how to achieve brain orgasm

On the web it is already a phenomenon and even science has recently declared that there are some interesting theories according to which the ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) could be a sort of orgasm of the mind, capable of stimulating the release of oxytocin, the so-called "love hormone".

Some define it as an orgasm of the brain, due to the feeling of well-being and pleasure that pervades the body, while others consider it a sort of relaxation therapy, a mantra capable of calming anxiety, helping the mind to free itself from stress.

What is it in concrete terms? Of a sort of impulse that according to those who have tried it comes from listening to whispers and rustles: a barely hinted or monotonous voice, the noise of a pencil writing on a sheet of paper, of fingers tapping on the table ... And as evidence of how much the phenomenon is anything but a transitory trend, consider that almost 2 million videos have been uploaded to Youtube since 2009, the year in which the phenomenon was launched.

Here is an example:

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If you type the word ASMR on YouTube, a page opens with thousands of thumbnails depicting mainly young and attractive women who blow into the camera lens, whisper, read in a low voice, play with make-up brushes. But be careful not to brand these images as erotic. This practice has very little to do with actual sex, it could instead open up new scenarios in the field of psychophysical well-being research.

Steven Novella, a neuroscientist and assistant professor at Yale University School of Medicine, wrote on his blog, The Ness, that despite the paucity of medical research, it can be argued that ASMRs are most likely true and that the underlying neurological causes can vary. . "It could be some kind of seizure, seizures can sometimes be pleasant and also be triggered by this kind of thing" writes. "Or it could simply be a way to activate the pleasure response. Vertebrate brains are basically wired for pleasure and pain, to give positive or negative behavioral feedback."

However, it costs nothing to try ...

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