Arnica what it is for: from its flowers the secret to fight the inflammations of our body

Arnica, as you will see, is useful for many things! It is a precious natural ingredient rich in beneficial properties for our body.There are many natural remedies to always keep at hand to have a green and inexpensive solution to small daily problems, as our grandmothers teach. Watch the video and find out why it is better to always keep some lavender oil at home. Do you know what this fragrant oil is for?

Arnica what it is for: therapeutic properties and benefits of the use of arnica flowers

Arnica Montana, the one used in herbal medicine, belongs to the Asteraceae or Compositae family, with various species of perennials. Its flowers used in phytotherapy and herbal medicine are yellow-orange, they bloom in summer in the mountainous areas of Europe, in the Trentino Alps, in the Stelvio National Park, and in the Dolomites, Siberia and North America. Its flowers, which contain the active ingredients, are dried to then prepare ointments, gels, mother tincture and granules for homeopathy. Many see in their color the energetic charge of the sun's rays. Arnica is also called the “panacea for the fallen”. It is a natural remedy to relieve various post-traumatic pains, but also for neck pain or the consequences of incorrect postures. With the infusions of its fresh flowers, compresses are prepared for inflammations and bruises. It is also used as an ointment for the so-called Fire of Saint Anthony, the Herpes Zoster. Thanks to its active ingredients, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antibiotic, analgesic and circulation stimulating properties are attributed to it, but it is prudent to use it only externally. Arnica-based oils are used before playing sports to prevent muscle tears and afterwards to relieve muscles and reduce the risk of contractures. The gel is used as a valid remedy, when the traumatic accident has just occurred; the ointment, on the other hand, is used for the treatment of edema formed following a bruise or sprain. Especially the gel version of arnica soothes various types. of pain, reduces swelling and protects capillaries. In case of wasp or mosquito bites the topical use of arnica gel or cream, even several times a day, calms itching, pain and irritation. Arnica essential oil can be diluted with a carrier oil, for a muscle relaxation treatment with specific massages. By soaking the flowers for a long time in a carrier oil, an oleolite is obtained which is useful for compresses.

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Arnica what it is for: because the use of this plant is so important

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory action able to counteract muscle pain from the flowers of this plant, creams and ointments are made. To use it for trauma, bruises and hematomas, it is diluted in water or alcohol 1: 5 to apply it as a compress on the painful area; however, it should never be placed on torn or abraded skin. It is necessary to avoid contact of arnica with eyes, mouth and genital organs. It is also used in products for massages for athletes, in patches against rheumatism and to reduce swelling after bandages and casts. The anti-inflammatory properties of "arnica concern the" topical use, the anti-inflammatory ones would derive from "elenalina. The analgesic and antiseptic power of arnica is attributed to elenalin and dihydroelenalin for their antibacterial and antifungal properties. The polysaccharides contained in the flower determine its immunostimulating power. Homeopaths use it in the treatment of inflammation of the muscles, tendons, bones, tears and hematomas, but also to heal wounds and fight the breaking of capillaries. Natural medicine also treats inflammations of the oral cavity and throat with gargle (with a few drops of mother tincture dissolved in a glass of water), acne and phlebitis without ulcers. adding a few drops of oil or tincture to the water brings many benefits to the body, relaxes it and comforts it from exhaustion after a very tiring and stressful activity. A few drops of arnica mother tincture can be used dissolved in water as a mouthwash with disinfectant properties.

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What is Arnica for: many actions from skin aches and other uses and other benefits of Arnica

According to other theories, the properties of arnica, as well as in the trauma field, for example to reabsorb edema and relieve pain from sprains and sprains, would also serve to stimulate the functionality of the heart and to regulate the drops in pressure in the change of season caused by variations. climatic. As an anti-inflammatory, it is also used for hemorrhoids, arthritic pains and arthritis pains in the hands and knees: Since it also has antiseptic properties, the cream version of arnica is used for skin inflammations, insect bites and bruises. In case of sprains, sprains, muscle tears, tendinitis, take 3/4 granules of Arnica montana (9CH) every hour, associated with the use of the gel. If severe tiredness is accused, homeopathic medicine prescribes 5 granules as a treatment once every seven days during the summer, to tolerate the effects of climate change with greater energy. The arnica-based gel is also useful for relieving discomfort and discomfort. inflammation of varicose veins. Any redness of the skin is an indication of its effectiveness. As a hair lotion it seems to limit its fall. There are also arnica gels used for horses containing arnica hydrolates, mother tincture and glycolic extracts with addition of thyme extract. Hydrolates, unlike essential oils, retain the scent of the plant from which they are taken and have no contraindications. They are useful for frictions on the body and scalp and are used in cosmetic products.

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Where to buy Arnica:

  • Strong arnica with essential oils - on special offer on Amazon
  • Arnica extra strong conditioner - discover the special price on Amazon
  • Cream with Arnica, Devil's Claw and Hemp Oil - discover it on Amazon
  • Weleda Arnica Massage Oil - Buy It Now On Amazon

When the use of arnica is not recommended: precautions and contraindications

Before taking arnica-based preparations it is advisable to consult your trusted doctor, also because there is no scientific evidence of the real effectiveness of these arnica-based treatments for the aforementioned disorders and diseases, nor of any consequences regarding Health. Arnica could create interactions with essential oils, garlic, anticoagulants. It should not be used by pregnant women: this natural remedy has many contraindications if you are pregnant. If it is applied locally for a long time and in excessive doses it could cause lesions in the affected area. It can also cause allergic dermatitis and blisters. We do not recommend the use of this natural remedy internally, as it is a cardiotoxic plant; It should be used only for external use and on healthy skin, free of lesions or sores, as otherwise undesirable effects may occur, such as vomiting, gastritis, bleeding, enterocolitis, arrhythmias, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure. Internal use is no longer practiced, except for homeopathic preparations precisely for fear of these side effects. Obviously the information transcribed here cannot absolutely replace the opinion of a doctor or a specialist visit.

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