Workout at home: all the tips to lose weight and stay fit with a home program!

More and more women today prefer training at home. The reasons for this choice are many and obvious: training at home allows you to keep fit while saving time and money. Those of us who do not often find ourselves forced to skip the gym to keep up with to the thousand daily commitments, from work to home to children ...? The "training at home does not require travel, can be practiced easily in spare time and also allows you to practice even if, for whatever reason, you cannot move from home.

Training at home is therefore ideal for all women who have little time for outdoor sports or in the gym, but also for those who simply prefer to exercise alone and in complete tranquility. It is an ideal way to lose weight, of course, but above all to take care of yourself and your body, begin to love it and give it all the attention it deserves. Find out with us what are the benefits of training at home and all. tips and tricks for creating an effective training program.

The benefits of training at home

Training at home, if practiced consistently and combined with a healthy and balanced diet, has the same benefits as any equally regular sport: it is excellent for losing weight and preventing the risk of obesity; prevents cardiovascular and metabolic diseases (diabetes in the first place); it helps to keep the musculoskeletal system healthy; it promotes psychological well-being by reducing anxiety and stress; it regulates the sleep-wake rhythm by improving the quality of our rest.

To these benefits must be added some decidedly practical advantages that represent the real plus-value of training at home. First of all, the flexibility that it entails with consequent time savings: you do not have to travel to go to the gym and you can choose the "time you prefer, even very early in the morning when maybe you would find it closed.

Training at home, then, helps concentration: having no one to chat with or who may make you uncomfortable or embarrassed while doing some specific exercise facilitates your sporting practice, giving you peace of mind. Finally, the economic savings are by no means indifferent: you just need to invest in some equipment to be able to vary your training, but nothing to do with a gym membership in terms of costs! Do you think it is little?

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Where to start? All the tips for an effective training program

The first thing you need to start training at home is your willpower. If you're not motivated enough, don't start at all! The risk, in fact, is to give up and sports can only bear fruit if carried out regularly. Training at home is less simple than you think and requires some effort and sacrifice, but it will be rewarded.

So try to set your goal: it can relate to the pounds to lose or the parts of the body you want to tone up. It will help you start off with the right energy, determination and the correct mental attitude. If you can, start now! Don't give yourself the excuse of waiting for the infamous Monday or not having the correct clothing ... just a t-shirt any and a pair of leggings, there are no excuses!

Equally important to establishing a routine that ensures continuity of your home training program is to establish a time to exercise and try to stick to it as much as possible. Prepare a real roadmap with the exercises you intend to do from day to day and the timing.

To choose the right exercises you just need to do a little research (click here for some suggestions!), But the important thing is to start gradually and then proceed with an "intensification of" training from week to week, trying as much as possible to alternate and vary the exercises.

Types of home training and equipment needed

Whatever type of training you decide to practice, it is essential to always start with a little warm-up. At home you can practice skipping, jumping or running on the spot, or stretching exercises suitable for preparing the muscles, such as these. here:

At home, you can choose to train bodyweight by practicing exercises that are useful for losing weight and developing muscles, as well as your coordination skills. Among the most recommended we find the "Jumping Jack" (a type of jump on the spot which consists in "opening the legs and arms at the same time and then bringing them back to the initial position), the" Crunches "(lifting the bust in the direction of the pelvis practiced in position supine with bent legs), "Squats" (pushups useful for toning the buttocks), "Push ups" (pushups with straight back and neck), "Burpees" (bending of the legs in a squatting position with hands on the ground) , the "forward lunges", the "planks" (lifting on the forearms and toes, with the elbows at 90 ° and maintaining the position with the back straight) and others.

Bodyweight exercises are very effective and require no expense, other than a yoga mat to do them more comfortably. If, on the other hand, you prefer, even to vary, invest in the purchase of some tools, you can focus on dumbbells or on the kettlebel to strengthen the muscles, on the AB Roller to improve coordination, or on a traction bar (very useful for strengthening biceps and back).

Browse our album to discover all the useful tools for your home workout, but don't forget that you can also use simple household items instead, from chairs to water bottles!

See also: DIY fitness equipment

© iStock 20 essential accessories for your home gym

An extra help to train at your best

If you want to train at home, but would like to have a personal trainer at your disposal who can help you create the best exercise program for you, try experimenting with the online platform.

On this site you will have the opportunity to be followed during your home training by a professional who, remotely and live video, will be able to advise you, look at you and correct you. The instructors are all hyper-qualified and you can choose between different disciplines divided into categories: "mind & body" (pilates, yoga, gyrokinesis), "fitness" (total body, rebounding, stretching, postural gymnastics, bar toning, floor gymnastics) pelvic) and "wellness" (coaching, meditation, autogenic training and rehabilitation).

Are you ready to start?

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