5 simple tricks to make it last longer in bed

The problem is not premature ejaculation, the problem is that it can often be premature for us women and that's it. Do you want your man to last longer in bed? your need, then you will have to experiment together which of these tricks could be right for you!
To get started, here are some original erotic practices to give your relationship even more sparkle!

1. Block it just before orgasm

We too are sorry that you have to interrupt her orgasm at the best, but let's face it: we too want to enjoy and two minutes are not enough! So ... when he feels he is coming, he has to give you a sign, so you can stop for a few seconds and then resume ...

See also

The pairs of signs that work best in bed

How to experience more pleasure in bed: here are 5 tips

How to drive a man crazy in bed: 10 foolproof seduction tricks

2. Give him a ... squeeze!

That is the squeezing. What is it about? Apply pressure to the base of the shaft of the penis to decrease arousal. Since "throttling" the penis temporarily stops the flow of blood inside it, this gesture would block the orgasm, obviously if you practice the technique a little before the happy event. To make it more fun, you can play together using a special penis ring.

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3. Ask him to masturbate before making love

An ancient technique, but always useful. If he does indeed cum. So it is easy to say: if a man ejaculates a couple of hours earlier, it will be more difficult for him to come too soon after.

See also: The Book of Love: The 100 Best Kamasutra Positions

© iStock 100 positions of the kamasutra

4. Use retardant condoms

They are like all condoms, except that the lubricant that is used serves to slightly anesthetize the penis, this alters sensitivity and delays orgasm. There are also sprays, gels, and wipes based on the same principle: odorless and tasteless, they are used just before of intercourse and prolong your pleasure.> Try Durex Long Lasting condoms> Try Sync condoms, delaying for him, stimulating for her

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5. Change your position often

If you have a habitual partner, and you always propose the same positions, the organism adjusts and registers those given positions as the moment of orgasm! You have to change with a new position, vary and experiment: go with lots of new super hot positions ... just look at the album below:

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