5 signs that he is not enough for you and cannot support you

If true love exists, how should it be? It is not easy to say what a lasting relationship should be like, how to keep the alchemy of the couple high, if possible, and how to avoid a decrease in desire and disinterest in the partner. One thing is certain, however: if he manages to push you ( and vice versa) to always be a better person, then it's worth it. But if that doesn't happen, how much sense does it make to sacrifice and fight to stay together? Just to play the role of the perfect maternal and cuddly sweetheart he can't. to take care?
Let's start with what he should tell you most often:

1. It does not support you in your sacrifices

Diet, gym, stop biting your nails, get your driving license, the English exam: if you can't support yourself in these small daily sacrifices, let alone the more serious and important ones. Life, among other things, is made up of commitment to achieving what you believe in, if the true support of those we love is lacking, the climb becomes really steep ...

See also

True love: the signs to recognize it

Couple crisis: causes, signs and how to overcome it

Couples therapy: what are the most common signs to understand whether to start it Loading ...


2. It does not stimulate you intellectually

Improving each other is a matter of exchange: from disco evenings, to emotional exchange, passing through the intellectual one. An important person brings something extra to your life and share new stimuli with you. Only in this way can the relationship really work.

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3. He never questions you

Is everything about you always okay? But are we sure he knows you? How can a person who does not criticize you bring an improvement to your life and to your person? If he's so focused on himself that he's not able to question you, it's basically like he's not there ...

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4. It doesn't push you to grow professionally

Obviously, a man who does not push the other to aim high, who rather depresses the attempts of professional growth of the person he loves, or is a retrograde man tending to machismo who feels threatened by the success of his partner, or is a man disinterested in his partner.

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5. He has no future plans with you

Without projects, life is perhaps simpler, but certainly without a plan you have no goals and, without goals, there is no improvement and growth. If your man gets bored thinking about projects together, if he doesn't want to have goals in common, if indeed it makes you feel that you have this (natural) need ... how is it supposed to improve you and your life? It is almost as if you were alone ...

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In short, if in the balance of your life he does nothing to improve you and there is no real contribution, affective, emotional or intellectual ... wouldn't it be appropriate to let him go? On the other hand they survived, you can too, look:

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