5 fundamental reasons why we love grandma

She is the safe haven, the one where you are sure that someone will welcome you, even when your mother won't. The reason why Christmas is more beautiful, why maybe we don't start on New Year's Eve, the one that cooks for everyone on occasions, the one that knows all the ways to immediately solve unsolvable things. Grandmother. And that's why we all defend it like him, look:

1. He always has something sweet ready for us

The homemade cake, a biscuit, the inevitable Rossana and sweets of all tastes attached. There is no grandmother without something sweet to munch on! How do they know that you need that cake right at that moment? Super super powers grandmothers!

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2. He sees us getting thinner than expected

"But are you eating? I see you too thin!" Sometimes you go to your grandmother just to get a nice free self-esteem shot! "Yes grandma, I'm eating a lot, but maybe I need your noodles to get back in shape! Will you prepare them for me?" That they always see us so special makes them just as special to us.

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3. Has a saying for any occasion

It doesn't matter if in Italian, or in all the possible dialects of Italy, the grandmother will always have an ancient saying, or a wise proverb, hanging over our decisions. Will they have sent them to a school of prophetic sayings? we are grateful for their ever immense wisdom.

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4. Nobody can get over it in the kitchen

Mom gets nervous because she makes the exact same recipe, but it's not the same. Grandma's hand is missing. What grandma cooks, only grandma knows how to do it. And we want his Sunday lunch, nobody else. Grandma puts passion, love and knowledge into it. In short: it is impossible to use the word diet.

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5. He always defends us, a priori

Grandma is always ready to defend us, and to help us in all cases. If he really has to scold us, he will do it in private, without anyone listening. Because in the eyes of the world there is a team: grandson and grandmother. Then in private all the reproaches and advice of the case, and to console us, obviously a candy or a biscuit.

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And for the more nostalgic, here are the candies that the grandmother gave us as children!

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