Candice Huffine: the first curvy model on the Pirelli calendar. Look at the pictures

Candice Huffine is a curvy model, her measurements are 90-60-90 (so the media reports), and she weighs 90 pounds. He would never have imagined making every model's forbidden dream come true: appearing in the Pirelli calendar, one of the most enduring myths of the fashion-beauty combination.

© web It is really a big change to want to include a model with my image in the most famous calendar in the world!
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Yet it happened: Steven Meisel, the photographer of the 2015 edition, great and esteemed artist of the sector, wanted Candice among the models of this year, marking a small revolution in the history of the calendar, which so far has portrayed beautiful women but often within the canons of thinness when it came to professional models.

© web

The curvy model on Instagram

© Kikapress

"Last night, before coming to the set with the others", Candice said "I was thinking of being a novelty. And I got tears in my eyes! It's really a strong change to want to include a model with my image in the calendar most famous in the world! "

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