Did he hurt you? Here are 5 ways to "take revenge" in a subtle way

It happens that we feel wounded, in feelings and in pride, even if the reasons are not the most logical or the most complex. If it happens once, we can get over it, at the second we already stagger. But if it is a constant push and pull between serenity and squabbles, the time has come to make things clear: we are not the "weaker sex." Men are used to growing up having to hide their sincere emotions, and we too give the impression of being untouchable or impassive. But we know for sure that the right words are enough to have our very subtle revenge on all those times when they have been too superficial.
But how then to really hit his pride and score a "hit and sunk"? Let's find out 5 things that are sure to infuriate and hurt him, whether it's revenge for you, or a simple challenge.
One reason among many to hurt him? Look here:

1. Hurt him by accusing him of not being independent

A man does not admit, if not in deep intimacy, that he is not very independent. This kind of criticism undermines his masculinity and ties him to his mom's skirt. And this cliché, that if it exists there will be a reason, is given precisely by being, after all, an eternal child, hit and sunk.

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2. Hit him by making him feel like one of many

Even the man does not like to feel diminished, feeling like all the other men in your life, or worse still your ex. To give little importance to what he does in general, as if it were everybody's thing, and even more to the one that's right for you will certainly hurt him, but afterwards, when he closes up like a hedgehog, you'll have to double up to win him back: so play this card right if you don't want it to backfire.

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3. Attack him with the sexual comparison

"But he sure was able to make me have an orgasm ..." This is a low blow, in name and in fact. You couldn't hurt him more in pride. The dissent over her sexual abilities and the comparison with a more competent man is a hit and sank and sank again, again and again.

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4. Shut him up by criticizing his mother's cooking

As per point 1, the man is always very attached to his mother and above all to his kitchen. If he is a good cook, better for us, but most of the time thanks go to dear mother. So? criticized because not up to the obviously inimitable good lady, this time we have our say: your mother uses too much salt, a lot of oil, and I don't like how she cooks. Beware, here too you risk big.

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5. Hurt him with a comment on his style

"Honey, have they ever told you that the 90's are over?". A single meticulous and precise criticism is enough to question all his stylistic choices. Feeling inappropriate in your clothes is not the best of sensations, and we know it well. And the novelty is that even the man is very vain: therefore a criticism of his style is a good weapon. Take advantage of it and take advantage of a shopping session, which also makes you lose weight and maybe you get some little gifts ...

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Another way to hurt him? Compare him to one of them ...

Tags:  Actuality Star Marriage