20th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 5th month of pregnancy

The twentieth week marks the end of the fifth month of pregnancy, when the fetus is more and more developed and the parents will be able to perceive its movements even from the outside.But what exactly happens at this stage of development and growth? Read this article and find out all the information you need to know for sure what is happening to you and your baby 20 weeks after conception!

But before you read this, watch this video and find out how to pamper the baby you are carrying.

What month does the 20th week of pregnancy correspond to?

If you have been carrying your baby for exactly 20 weeks, you are in the second trimester of your pregnancy and, more precisely, at the end of the 5th month.

See also

21st week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 5th month of pregnancy

18th week of pregnancy for mom and baby - 5th month of pregnancy

19th week of pregnancy for mother and baby - 5th month of pregnancy

What changes in the mother's body?

Now that you are in the middle of the second trimester you will notice more and more changes on your body. The belly continues to grow, but remember that there is no standard size that applies to all future mothers. It is, in fact, a very subjective factor, so rest assured, enjoy this special moment and, above all, avoid making comparisons with other pregnant women.

During this time, you may feel more tired and fatigued than usual. It is normal if you think that another living being is growing inside you. Try to rest and move slowly, without exerting too much effort. Also, take breaks throughout the day and don't stand for too many hours.

If you feel that your heart is beating faster than usual, do not panic, after 20 weeks it is quite common to experience a little tachycardia. The heart, in fact, is pumping more blood just to feed the baby that is inside your belly and, therefore, if you previously registered about 70 beats per minute, now you will register about ninety. Added to this is the physiological anxiety that assails many women during pregnancy. Also in this case, know that it is normal to be worried and, above all, do not be ashamed but rather try to find a healthy way to vent this tension and talk about it with others, without keeping everything inside.

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Hypotension or low blood pressure is another symptom experienced by many women during the twentieth week of pregnancy. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the uterus, now in continuous expansion, presses on the aorta and vena cava. One solution to relieve any dizziness is to always get up very calmly, avoiding sudden movements.

Finally, by now at the end of the fifth month, you may notice the appearance of some varicose veins on the legs or near the vulva. This is due to the exceptional hormonal activity that occurs during pregnancy, whereby the walls of the veins tend to relax. To remedy this, do not strain your legs excessively, wear soft and comfortable clothes and choose graduated compression stockings that stimulate regular blood circulation.

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Have you already chosen the name for your baby? If you run out of ideas, get inspired by our list of names for all tastes!

The development of the fetus

What proceeds is not only the inexorable growth of your belly, but also the development of the baby. Now your little one is about the size of a banana, its weight is around 250-300 grams and its length is 15 centimeters.

By the fifth month, the fetus is able to move more freely within the amniotic fluid and begins to extend both the arms and legs. During the twentieth week, its movements, mostly kicks and fists, will be more and more evident. and you and your partner can also perceive them from the outside.

Having reached the last part of the second trimester, the brain and genital organs are constantly evolving as well as the muscles and bones. Now the baby has 300 bones, but at the time of delivery he will have 206.

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What the partner has to do

The person who supports the pregnant woman is a figure of fundamental importance. The partner, in fact, is called to give constant support to the future mother, standing next to her in times of need as well as in carefree ones. Furthermore, its presence is absolutely essential as it is reassuring during gynecological visits and the pre-birth course, useful for the training of both parents and not just mothers. The partner or the partner of the pregnant woman may think of even starting to write a diary, in which to vent and fix their emotions and feelings and collect photos and thoughts of these particular months. Another thing that the future parent can do during the pregnancy of the partner or wife is to inquire through books on neonatology and pedagogy. Finally, if you are in this position, remember to show off your most romantic side, surprising the future mother of your parents. children with loving gestures and even more caring attention.

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Sex in pregnancy: yes or no?

Don't be afraid to indulge your libido, which turns out to be very intense during the second trimester. It often happens that, with the discovery of pregnancy, many couples progressively stop having sex. However, being sexually fulfilled while waiting for the baby to be born is not only legitimate, but also recommended. There is no danger in having sex while pregnant: the fetus is protected by the amniotic fluid and you must absolutely not fear that the penis may tear the membrane and touch the baby because between the bottom of the vagina and the baby's head there are 5 cm apart. As for microbes, however, the cervix is ​​perfectly blocked by a mucus that blocks their passage. Furthermore, the child will in no way witness sexual activity between the parents.

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Acne from pregnancy: what to do?

Having pimples is normal, due to the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy. Some women (the lucky ones) have gorgeous skin and a glowing complexion, while others see small acne-like pimples appear. This acne is due to an increase in the rate of progesterone, but do not worry because it will gradually disappear after giving birth, when the rate of this hormone decreases. Absolutely avoid aggressive soaps, opt instead for dermatologically tested products and, above all, do not touch your fruncles, otherwise they will ignite further. Finally, if you want to get rid of this discomfort as soon as possible, avoid do-it-yourself treatments and talk to your doctor or dermatologist.

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Some useful tips

Here are some tips to better cope with pregnancy:

  • Practice regular physical activity: prefer free body gymnastics and postural exercises for the back. The movement will help you feel more energetic and supple, making you ready for delivery. In addition, motor activity stimulates blood circulation throughout the body, preventing the swelling episodes that characterize pregnancy. In addition, if you experience digestive problems, we recommend that you take short walks following a meal.
  • Follow a rich and varied diet, eating healthy and balanced. Enjoying very different foods will prepare the baby's taste buds to welcome new flavors. In particular, try to eat foods rich in magnesium (almonds, lentils and wholemeal bread), calcium (vegetables and fish) and iron (apples, parsley and nuts). Also, stock up on folic acid, a vitamin essential for your baby's regular development, found mostly in green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
  • Avoid excessively fatty, spicy, fried foods and, in addition to alcoholic beverages, do without coffee. These foods, in fact, can cause irritation and consequent heartburn.

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  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and facilitate the formation of teeth in the fetus. Plus, heavy drinking throughout the day will help prevent urinary infections. In this regard, always make sure both before and after sexual intercourse and to practice proper intimate hygiene.
  • Limit your exposure to the sun as much as possible, especially in the hottest hours. The combination of sun rays + hormonal changes could lead to the appearance of some unpleasant spots on the skin. If your pregnancy affects the summer period, remember to wear wide-brimmed hats and to apply a very high index (50+) protective cream several times over the whole body.
  • Take care of your tummy! During pregnancy, your body undergoes major hormonal changes. Expectant mothers secrete a hormone, cortisol, which tends to atrophy collagen, the main cause of tissue elasticity. This could lead to the appearance of stretch marks, which appear especially during the last trimester. To remedy the problem, it is all about prevention. Moisturize and soften the skin, applying an anti-stretch mark moisturizer in the morning and in the evening with circular massages: first of all on the stomach (don't forget the lower abdomen and the navel!) And then on the hips, breasts and buttocks.
  • Take care of your breasts: this part of the body, which is subject to enormous changes during pregnancy, has no muscles, but it is important to ensure that it is maintained by working the pectorals. To do this, extend your arms to the side and make small circular movements (15 in one direction and 15 in the other). Then, with your elbows raised and parallel to the ground, push your palms against each other for 10 seconds. Relax and start again, 10 times.

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All visits to be made during the 20th week of pregnancy

Below, you will find a complete list of all the tests that can be carried out during the week of pregnancy. These checks are necessary to monitor the health of the mother and baby as well as the development of the latter:

  • Chemical, physical and microscopic examination of urine
  • Second morphological ultrasound (or organ screening): This "exploration" lasts about half an hour and is very important, especially if the pregnancy has any abnormalities or if you have had a problematic pregnancy in the past. The examination is carried out by a doctor or midwife and can finally reveal the sex of the baby, provided you and your partner wish to find out, otherwise let the person who will undergo the ultrasound know in advance.

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