What does the 17th week of pregnancy mean for mother and baby

The seventeenth week is a rather quiet period of pregnancy for many expectant mothers, with some annoying symptoms removed. The danger of abortion is almost completely averted and the development of the organs is nearing completion, therefore, by the beginning of the fifth month, malformations can no longer occur. But what happens more precisely at this stage of gestation? Read this article and find out all the information you need to know for sure what is happening to you and your baby.

But before you read this, watch this video and find out how to pamper the baby you are carrying.

How many months are 17 weeks pregnant?

If you have been pregnant for 17 weeks, you are in the second trimester and, more precisely, at the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy.

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What does the fetus do?

By the seventeenth week of pregnancy, the baby is more and more active and dynamic. Immersed in the amniotic fluid, he enjoys moving his legs and arms and, in this period, the mother begins to perceive these movements from the outside. Furthermore, the little one delights in the practice of sucking, "sucking" his thumb and ingesting nutrients. in the form of liquids, which will then be excreted in the urine.

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What changes in the mother's body?

With the progressive growth of the baby inside her womb, it is evident that the mother's body also undergoes great transformations and consequently accuses some strong sensations. With the distension of the uterus, the belly is more evident and, by the fifth month, the pregnant woman may have gained between 2 and 5 kg on the scale.

As previously highlighted, there are several symptoms encountered by the expectant mother in this period. Among the most common there are certainly a sense of weakness and dizziness, for which it is urgent to integrate the right amount of sugar in the diet, and lumbosciatalgia, which is a muscle inflammation that affects the area between the buttocks and the feet. This symptomatology should not arouse excessive concern: it is normal for the development of another body within us to destabilize the balance on which our body has always stood and, in fact, some precautions are enough to relieve pain and discomfort. In the latter case, the pregnant woman struggling with sciatic nerve disorders can resolve the situation by adopting the right posture, practicing correct physical activity and making the most comfortable choice in terms of shoes: no narrow toes nor heels. pin.

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It also happens not infrequently that pregnant women suffer from nocturnal cramps, especially in the calves. These are mainly caused by a deficiency in potassium and magnesium. In addition to integrating foods and vitamins that contain these elements, the pregnant woman can remedy this by performing leg massages with cold water.

Another important change observed by the expectant mother at the seventeenth week is the progressive thinning of the skin layer. The skin becomes thinner and the blood vessels more visible. To avoid frequent redness, it is good to stay away from places where temperatures are either extremely hot or extremely cold.

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The development of the fetus

After 17 weeks from the day of conception, the baby's growth proceeds rapidly and he has now reached the size of an avocado, weighing about 130 grams and a length of around 13 cm. There is no longer any disproportion between the head and the rest of the body and at this stage the milk teeth begin to appear inside the gums. The eyes are closed, but now they are in the right position and, thanks to a functioning hearing, the little one is more and more involved in the sounds and noises coming from outside.

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Have you already chosen the name for your baby? If you run out of ideas, get inspired by our list of names for all tastes!

What the partner has to do

The person who supports the pregnant woman is a figure of fundamental importance. The partner, in fact, is called to give constant support to the future mother, standing next to her in times of need as well as in carefree ones. Furthermore, its presence is absolutely essential as it is reassuring during gynecological visits and the pre-birth course, useful for the training of both parents and not just mothers. The partner or the partner of the pregnant woman may think of even starting to write a diary, in which to vent and fix their emotions and feelings and collect photos and thoughts of these particular months. Another thing that the future parent can do during the pregnancy of the partner or wife is to inquire through books on neonatology and pedagogy. Finally, if you are in this position, remember to show off your most romantic side, surprising the future mother of your parents. children with loving gestures and even more caring attention.

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Some useful tips

Here are some tips to better cope with pregnancy:

  • Practice regular physical activity: prefer free body gymnastics and postural exercises for the back. The movement will help you feel more energetic and supple, making you ready for delivery. In addition, motor activity stimulates blood circulation throughout the body, preventing the swelling episodes that characterize pregnancy. In addition, if you experience digestive problems, we recommend that you take short walks following a meal.
  • Follow a rich and varied diet, eating healthy and balanced. Enjoying very different foods will prepare the baby's taste buds to welcome new flavors. In particular, try to eat foods rich in magnesium (almonds, lentils and wholemeal bread), calcium (vegetables and fish) and iron (apples, parsley and nuts). Also, stock up on folic acid, a vitamin essential for your baby's regular development, found mostly in green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
  • Avoid excessively fatty, spicy, fried foods and, in addition to alcoholic beverages, do without coffee. These foods, in fact, can cause irritation and consequent heartburn.

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  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and facilitate the formation of teeth in the fetus. Plus, heavy drinking throughout the day will help prevent urinary infections. In this regard, always make sure both before and after sexual intercourse and to practice proper intimate hygiene.
  • Limit your exposure to the sun as much as possible, especially in the hottest hours. The combination of sun rays + hormonal changes could lead to the appearance of some unpleasant spots on the skin. If your pregnancy affects the summer period, remember to wear wide-brimmed hats and to apply a very high index (50+) protective cream several times over the whole body.
  • Take care of your tummy! During pregnancy, your body undergoes major hormonal changes. Expectant mothers secrete a hormone, cortisol, which tends to atrophy collagen, the main responsible for tissue elasticity.This could lead to the appearance of stretch marks, which appear especially during the last trimester. To remedy the problem, focus on prevention. Moisturize and soften the skin, applying an anti-stretch mark moisturizer in the morning and in the evening with circular massages: first of all on the belly (don't forget the lower abdomen and the navel!) and then on the hips, breasts and buttocks.

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Sex in pregnancy

Don't be afraid to indulge your libido, which turns out to be very intense during the second trimester. It often happens that, with the discovery of pregnancy, many couples progressively stop having sex. However, being sexually fulfilled while waiting for the baby to be born is not only legitimate, but also recommended. There is no danger in having sex while pregnant: the fetus is protected by the amniotic fluid and you must absolutely not fear that the penis may tear the membrane and touch the baby because between the bottom of the vagina and the baby's head there are 5 cm apart. As for microbes, however, the cervix is ​​perfectly blocked by a mucus that blocks their passage. Furthermore, the child will in no way witness sexual activity between the parents.

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