Valuing (or not) your moles

What is a mole?

A mole (scientific name: naevus) is a benign tumor caused by melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin, the pigment responsible for tanning. It can vary in shape, color and size: from brown to black, bulging or not, with or without unwanted hair. Moles appear after birth and develop during childhood and adolescence. Their number varies from person to person and depends on the nature of the skin: light phototypes (fair skin and blond or red hair) are more prone to the proliferation of moles. The appearance of moles can also be favored by frequent sun exposure during childhood.

The charm of moles ...

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In 1700, noblewomen exalted their faces by applying fake silk moles. The most mischievous used it to emphasize their pallor and to discreetly reveal a trait of their character: depending on the place where it was applied, the mole was a symbol of boldness (on the nose), passion (in the corner of the eye) , malice (near the lips) ...

Valuing one's moles

Even if the era of fake moles has passed, the fascination exerted by moles on the skin persists, you just need to know how to enhance them:

- On the face: the mole must be flat and be in the corner of the mouth, eye or nose. First, to even out the skin, put a foundation that is close to your natural complexion, then darken the color of your mole a little with a black pencil, being careful not to scale too much.

- On the body: do you have a dark mole on the neckline? Turn it into a weapon of seduction! Leave some shirt buttons open, wear a low-cut dress: let the mole show and suggest your sensuality. Don't forget to even out your skin with powder that matches your natural complexion. If needed, underline the color of the mole with the pencil.

To remove your make-up, use non-abrasive products and cotton.

Important! If you have a protruding or hairy mole, before shaving or retouching it with a pencil

consult a dermatologist.

Taking care of your moles

Weapon of seduction, of course, but also a threat to health… particularly sensitive to the sun, which increases the risk of degeneration into a melanoma, moles must be protected! Avoid exposing yourself to the sun during the hottest hours (between 12 and 16) and use a high-protection sunscreen, especially if you have fair skin. Pay attention to any changes in the appearance of the mole. As for the dentist, it is advisable to go to the dermatologist at least once a year to measure the size of the moles and identify any suspicious ones, which in this way can be removed.

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