The 10 television broadcasts of the past that we most miss!

On the occasion of World Television Day which, like every year, falls on November 21st, we want to remember the most beautiful programs with which we grew up and which we still carry in our hearts today. Although the world of telecommunications has rather changed compared to the Eighties and Nineties, and with the advent of the social revolution, television has had to clash with decidedly competitive and increasingly avant-garde opponents - Facebook and Instagram in the first place - not we can not admit that those programs that kept millions of Italians glued to the television are not a little short of us. But what are the broadcasts of our childhood and adolescence that most entered our hearts and that we would like to see still today? Here is our list of top programs from the 80s and 90s that we miss most!

1. Fantastic

How many of you haven't fallen in love with the colorful leotards and ballet shoes of the two coolest blonde dancers ever? Obviously we are talking about Hetaher Parisi and Lorella Cuccarini, responsible for millions and millions of enrollments in dance school in the eighties and nineties, because, tell the truth: like them, no one ever! Both protagonists of the various editions of Fantastic, musical container and the father of all the "Varieties" of the early Saturday evening, Heather and Lorella were our first heroines and we miss them very much!

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© Photo taken from Pinterest

2. Bim Bum Bam

And now, grab a handkerchief, because this wonderful program will make you drop a tear, we are sure. That's right: whole afternoons glued to the TV to watch an "endless list of cartoons, one more beautiful than the other!" But that's not all, how much do we miss Uan and all the characters of Bim Bum Bam: Debora, Carlotta, Manuela? Yes, ok, maybe today we would be a bit hail to get moved by watching Milly one day after another, cheer for Holly and Benji or laugh at Uan's sketches ... but how much would we pay to get them back on TV every afternoon?

© Prey photo from Bim Bum Bam's Facebook profile

3. The Karaoke

Much more than a broadcast: Fiorello's Karaoke was a real institution. Super pigtail, very long coat of a thousand colors and Katia Noventa always present: these are the ingredients of perhaps the most successful transmission of the nineties. How many times have we found ourselves singing in front of the TV, if not directly in the square, with a brush or a microphone toothbrush? And don't say no! In short, Fiorello, if you still don't understand: WE MISS YOU!

© Photo taken from Pinterest

4. Strangelove

It is impossible not to remember the Stranamore Camper ... but how much did we like Alberto Castagna with his blue cap and his program? Ancestor of You've Got Mail, Strangelove he kept us glued whole evenings to know the results of love stories never born or fairytale reconciliations. Here, we want that too, thank you!

5. The Festivalbar

We are still recovering from the shock of 2007 when they decided to close it for good. For us it was not summer without Festivalbar ... evenings full of summer hits that made so much end of school and the scent of holidays just around the corner. In short, we have not yet come to terms with it.

© Photo taken from the Facebook page We want the Festivalbar back

6. The wheel of Fortune

Mike, more than a presenter, was an "institution. And his Wheel of Fortune, an unmissable daily commitment. But how much do we miss Antonellina (Elia), Paola Barale, the rude ways of the poet Mike with valleys and competitors? And then, guess what? the phrases with the remote control from home? No, we can not do it.

© Photo taken from Pinterest

7. Ok, the right price!

One hundred, one hundred, one hundred ... yes, we know: you too are moving. The national VAT, her bouffant hair and bizarre competitors kept us company - us and our grandmothers - for long winter afternoons of endless homework and snacks. Okay, we need another handkerchief, thank you.

© Photo taken from Pinterest

8. Never say goals

We are still recovering from the endless laughter that Mai Dire Gol - and all its many variations - caused us. Caccamo, the Swiss of Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo, the Bulgarians, Robertino (Did I win anything?) and many many others. All orchestrated by the legendary Gialappa "s who fortunately still keeps us company in some generalist TV program. But the historian Mai dire Gol we miss A LOT!

© Facebook page We Want Never Say Goals

9. Friends

Do you remember the very first Amici, the one who saw Maria De Filippi surrounded by an audience of young people to discuss current affairs? Here, we spent our Saturday afternoons above all like this: glued to listening to the discussions of Vanessa with ice blue eyes, Christian, the beautiful Paolo. But how much do we miss them?

© Photo taken from Pinterest

10. It is not the rai

Highly criticized transmission, from mothers and not only, and yet ... how much did we like it? We were literally hypnotized in front of Amber, her backpack, the crossword puzzle, Please don't go, Pamela's frenzied ballets and her bangs. But to remind us of all the Non è la Rai girls we grew up with: here is an album dedicated to them!

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