Personality test: how selfless are you?

In truth, we believe altruism is an innate gift: the gift of being able to think about the needs of others before one's own. This ability to devote oneself to the other is unique and rare but luckily it concerns many people! In the same way it is natural to put one's needs before the next one, this is certainly the most common custom. Yet in regards to those we really love, it often happens, and in a natural way, to be altruistic, watch the video:

Personality test: how selfless are you?

Are you then a person who by nature, instinct or education tends to think about others without wanting anything in return or do you always prefer to protect your well-being first and then dedicate yourself to others?
Find out how you really are and how selfless you are by taking our test, here:

See also

Personality test: how fearful are you?

Personality test: how tolerant are you?

Personality test: how intuitive are you?

Instead, how do you feel about anxiety? Take this test:

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