Test: get to know us better and understand who we are

Have you ever thought about how important it is to know and understand each other to be successful in everything we do? Psychology now helps us in the most difficult moments, but regardless of how comfortable we are with ourselves, it can be a useful discipline to understand and manage a series of internal and other dynamics. It is said "sound mind in sound body". This is what it takes to improve our life! What better way to understand how we are, how we change and how we relate if not with a reading that guides us to discovery?

© Emse Italia srl

Here then is that Emse Italia has thought of a series created by specialists of the highest level, which illustrates the most recent research in psychology with a popular approach: this is "Discover psychology", a collection of different volumes that explores every aspect of psychology . Where will you find this valuable tool? It will be easy: you will find the series on newsstands from August 28, the first release at the introductory price of € 2.99!

Find out more on www.scoprirelapsicologia.it

Test: get to know us better and understand who we are

Each volume of the series is dedicated to a great theme of psychology, such as personality, intelligence, motivation! Find out which of these is close to your way of being!

Take our personality test to get to know yourself better and find out not only which aspect of psychology would be most functional to your well-being, but also which volume we recommend you read.

In collaboration with Emse Italia

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