Test: which emoji represents you the most?

Who is it that today doesn't use emojis to communicate? Not only to reinforce the meaning of concepts we express, but also to express the concepts in and of themselves. It happens to everyone by now to use a smiley face instead of a sentence to summarize an answer or even ask a question! Have you ever wondered which of these smileys represents you the most?
Before you find out what emoji you are, look at what you are like, just find out how you put on your bra ... here's the video:

Test: which emoji represents you the most?

Have you never used a smiley face to express your thoughts, doubts, quick answers? Impossible! In fact we often prefer to use an emoji practice instead of a few words. So if you too, as we imagine, are emoji-addicted, perhaps even without knowing it ... don't you want to find out which of these represents you the most? Easy: take the test! There he is:

See also

Test: which quality represents you the most in friendship?

Test: what does your best friend represent to you?

Test: how much do others envy you?

On the other hand, which myth of the Italian song represents you the most? Take the test and find out!

Tags:  Old-Test - Psyche Women-Of-Today Beauty