Rainbow children: because they are called the children of hope

For a woman, abortion or perinatal death is one of the most traumatic experiences that can be lived. This suffering can still be overcome, with the support of loved ones or thanks to dialogue with a therapist: especially when one is looking for a new pregnancy is indicated to open up and let off steam. In this video a specialist explains what a miscarriage consists of from a clinical point of view.

Who are the children of hope and what they symbolize

For many, the arrival of a baby is a dream that becomes reality, but a pregnancy is not always carried out as desired; indeed, it is estimated that the termination of pregnancy in the first trimester is a very common phenomenon among women in age. fertile (fluctuates between about 25% and 30%).
Perinatal death is a painful experience that often involves an entire family and not just the couple.
Fortunately, the period of mourning turns into joy when another baby is born. The new life brings with it a message of hope and light.

Generally, the term rainbow children refers to all those children who are born after a miscarriage or premature death, and who with their birth give a little color to the life of mum and dad, just like a rainbow would do after a storm.

Behind the joy that comes with these children there is however a note of bitterness that parents feel in their confonti and at times, it is difficult to put aside. Precisely for this aspect, the children of hope can also be called "half-light children" , from the comparison of the parents with the child who is no longer there.

A rainbow child is therefore the bearer of new joy, but at the same time it can be a "reflection of someone who no longer exists. Finally, according to some popular beliefs, such children would be considered as special beings, endowed with almost supernatural characteristics and distinguished by traits. recognizable.

October 15 is the world day dedicated to awareness of perinatal and infantile loss. In Italy, almost ten families a day have to face this sad situation. It is a very dear day to many mothers, in which to remember the little angels and reflect on the mystery of life.

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Rainbow babies moms

A pregnant woman, who has already gone through an unfinished pregnancy, tends to be less serene than someone who is at the first approach.

From the discovery of being pregnant again, and throughout gestation, the mother could be crossed by ambivalent moods: worry that something bad might happen, strong emotional stress, due to constant checks on the health of the fetus, joy, love and anxiety again ... in short, a whirlwind of perfectly normal feelings in this condition.
Even at the time of delivery, there may be a persistent veil of sadness that is difficult to dispel.
This feeling of dread is a typical condition of rainbow parents, who have experienced the grief firsthand.
It doesn't matter how much time has passed since the previous pregnancy, because for some these bittersweet feelings never go away.

Mothers of rainbow babies are also gripped by feelings of guilt, and for the most diverse reasons:
they feel guilty for overcoming the pain of loss too quickly, for trying to get pregnant again, thus dishonoring the memory of the unborn child or trying in this way to fill a void and escape from mourning .

Family members and friends, as close as they may have been to the couple, tend to see only the positive side of the happy event, interpreting it more as the moment in which the void that had arisen is filled, not being able to fully descend. in their shoes.

We would like to underline that these delicate dynamics do not concern all parents who have had to overcome an abortion, but it is quite common to face a similar path if one has not been adequately followed and supported in moments of despair.

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How to relate to rainbow children

As much a mother needs emotional and psychological support when she suffers a loss, as much as the little one who has come into the world needs to understand the particular situation in which he finds himself.

Babies are "sponges", they absorb everything, and that is why it is important to point out the difference between the child in your arms and the creature that is no longer there.
It is good to preserve his identity and avoid burdening him with expectations that in reality were addressed to another person. Starting with the name of the child: if possible, choose one that is dedicated only to the newborn baby.
The load of expectations is a process that occurs unconsciously, but it is these emotions that are the most "dangerous" for the child. Sometimes they are the cause of trauma that drags on throughout life.

If your child is a boy or girl of hope, do not forget that as a parent you are the primary role model, and that for many years, you will also be scrupulously observed on an emotional level.
The contradictory feelings you may have towards him are signs that the child perceives very well, but cannot understand.
How could it, when it is difficult even for an adult?
As soon as he is able to manage it, he establishes a dialogue; try to make him understand the complexity of what you are going through, reassuring him of your love for him.
The path that we feel we can recommend is that of comparison.

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Speak to mitigate suffering

Learning to manage the pain of a loss is one of the hardest things.
Nonetheless, dialogue and sharing are the best starting points for accepting that such an event cannot be forgotten, let alone pretend that it never existed.

One of the lifelines for mothers who have gone through perinatal bereavement is the support network.
Family and friendships are the first people to turn to in case of difficulty. Then come the support groups on the web, on social networks ... there are so many, more than you might think.
It is really important to create a circle of trustworthy people to whom you can confess your thoughts and to let off steam. And when that's not enough, seeing a therapist can be a "lifeline."

Even with the arrival of the new baby, it will be essential to separate the experiences faced with the different children, so as not to overlap the past with the present. The final goal is to learn to focus on the individual in front of you to enjoy every moment. .
Rainbow children teach us how precious the present is because you have an "opportunity to live life again with the bright colors that only a child can give.

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Rainbow children, indigo children and crystal children: who they are

If you search online for the term "rainbow child" you will almost certainly find sources that also speak of "indigo children" or "crystal children". Who are they, and why are they often associated with the children of hope?

Apparently the rainbow children are the new generation of indigo children. Let's try to shed some light on the subject.

Different beliefs would attribute to rainbow children special characteristics and abilities, which however, are devoid of any scientific basis. Let's see them together.

Indigo children, according to the New Age culture developed in the 70s and 90s, would be particularly empathic individuals who came into the world with the mission of bringing mankind to a higher evolutionary step. This belief is based on sensing their special aura through a machine, called the Kirlian machine. Nowadays it has been found that the blurs detected on the images photographed with this camera are nothing more than the gases, the humidity and the temperature that are typically captured using it.

In this case, therefore, the belief in the existence of special beings is to be discarded.

Since the 2000s, two more generations of special children have appeared: the crystal children and the rainbow children.

What they have in common with the previous generation of Gifted Children would be the presence of this particular aura (opalescent for crystal children and multicolored for rainbow ones) and unusual characteristics or behaviors, even considered spiritual gifts.

According to a parapsychological current, these children would have come into the world as real gifts for humanity, as well as for their parents. Among the most surprising abilities is telepathy, which in some cases could cause a slight delay in the development of language (3-4 years). Sometimes rainbow children have even been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome or autism.

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The crystal children

These babies born at the beginning of the Millennium, would be able to awaken our inner strength through their innate love and their wisdom.
Having deficiencies in language development, they would communicate with music and express themselves in creative ways.

Crystal children are resourceful, caring and loving individuals, at peace with themselves and with others.
They particularly love nature, animals and the collection of stones and crystals. Given their great sensitivity and empathy, compared to "normal" children of the same age, they certainly need to be more protected and pampered. It is important that they settle in a safe environment, because the risk could be that they isolate themselves from the world and live their life daydreaming.

Special children in literature

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For those wishing to deepen the theme, we report some readings dealing with the subject of child prodigies; in these texts you will find them described as higher entities.

These are the books by Doreen Virtue, which explain to us how to recognize these very particular children and how to understand if our child can belong to this category of 'chosen' little ones.

In the lyrics "The Crystal Children" and "Indigo, Crystal And Rainbow Children" it is clear that children are extremely calm and sensitive individuals; with very large and hypnotic eyes. They are gifted with a very wise and penetrating gaze.
According to the writer, when a special boy or girl stares at us, it gives us the feeling of being spiritually stripped.

Crystal children are also prone to forgiveness and almost never give in to the whims of their peers.
They are the generation that benefits from the pioneering Indigos: if they have led the way, the Crystals follow the clean path in a safer and more decisive world.

Apparently, compared to the crystal children, the rainbow children have even more evolved characteristics because they are the last generation of special children to arrive in the world.

The writer attributes them almost angelic meanings, as she defines them as the embodiment of divinity and our potential. In short, little Buddhas who are more interested in giving than in receiving; pure souls, who came to us from a higher entity.

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