Dreaming of snow: meaning and interpretations

Snow is a magical element that is often very recurrent in dreams. But be careful, because its meaning can have both a positive and a negative value, this depends on the different semantic spheres to which it is associated - and on the consequent symbolism that derives from it - but also on the period that the person who dreams of it is experiencing.

The main meanings associated with snow:

  • Candor and purity: a positive symbol of well-being, serenity and hope.
  • Cold, frost, winter: synonymous with loneliness, anxiety and malaise.

Of fundamental importance, as already anticipated, is the sensation that the dreamer feels during his dream experience: if, for example, it is a pleasant cold, which pinches the face but is refreshing and bringer of joy, it may be that the person has need to live life with greater freedom and fullness. If, on the other hand, frost is associated with darkness and loneliness, it can indicate that we are experiencing a particularly difficult period, in love or at work, which deserves some little tricks and a moment of reflection.

Snow in Jung's interpretation
According to Jungian psychology, it is instead a symbol of introversion and closure in oneself due to the inability to deal with problems and consequently the relationship with the outside world.

Freud's explanation
From the point of view of Sigmund Freud, author of the book The Interpretation of Dreams, snow alludes to the sexual sphere: it would therefore indicate intimate coldness and inability to feel pleasure due to repressed instincts.

Before seeing specifically the various dreams of which the snow becomes the protagonist - and the related explanations - here is a short video that acts as a small dream dictionary and illustrates some meanings including dreaming of being pregnant, dreaming of snakes or mice.

Dreaming of falling snow

In case you dream of falling flakes, know that the sensation you feel during the dream comes into play more than ever. If this is associated with joy, snow becomes a symbol of happiness and childhood memories, heralding something positive.
If, on the other hand, you experience unpleasant moods, cold, discomfort and loneliness, it could be that you are waiting for upheavals and news that are not exactly inviting.

Specifically, if you watch this show from the window of your home, the atmosphere you live in the home really counts: if you are alone, it is a negative symbol, if you are peaceful and in company, it becomes a meaning full of positivity and good omen.

See also

Dreaming of the sea: meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of turtles - meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of crying - meaning and interpretations

If snow falls in the house ...

If, in the dream, it snows inside your home and you feel serene and at ease, then it means that you are experiencing a moment of tranquility and relaxation. If, on the contrary, you are alone, it means that you are feeling some loneliness or, if the predominant sensation is that of an annoying bitter cold, then it could symbolize the need to review some interpersonal relationships because they are not very sincere and satisfying.

White and pure snow

This dream in itself has a positive value. White in its purity can only indicate a soothing and pleasant message. A blanket of soft and pure snow means light, happiness, softness and a feeling of comfort.
It can also be an invitation to look at life with the eyes of a child, more pure, naive and full of wonder.

Dirty snow

Dreaming of dirty snow (gray, brown, mixed with mud) can indicate that you feel a sense of guilt or that you do not trust some people who are by your side.

If it is stained with blood, it could allude to an erotic symbology or to the love story you are experiencing.
As you can see, in these cases, it becomes essential to analyze the dream in relation to the particular moment you are experiencing in reality in order to give it a clearer and more reliable interpretation.

Dreaming of a lot of snow

Here too, we are faced with a double meaning: negative, when the snow is very high and represents an impediment, with allusion to the obstacles we face at that particular moment; positive, when you are faced with a snowy landscape that suggests more joy and amazement, alluding in a metaphorical sense to a profitable period from a work or personal point of view.

Blizzard, storm or snow avalanche

In all these cases the signal is very clear and unique: we are facing a state of confusion, fear and discomfort. Particularly if you dream of a storm or a storm, your unconscious is about to communicate to you quite vividly that you are full of thoughts and you need to clarify and put your life and brain back in order.

On the other hand, dreaming of an avalanche leads us to think about the arrival of a threatening and unpleasant situation that could also surprise you in a rather unexpected way.

Dreaming of melting snow

This dream can open up to a double interpretation: negative, if the event experienced in sleep brings with it unpleasant sensations, alluding to personal or work projects that crumble or do not completely start; positive, where for example the sun is to melt the snow in a sort of scene full of poetry, which indicates the achievement of a state of inner well-being, with the dissolution of personal knots and the overcoming of internal or external blocks.

Warm snow

Dreaming of hot and steaming snow represents a decidedly original and not very widespread variant. It alludes to a sense of warmth, comfort and fulfillment for something intricate and difficult that is about to be resolved and definitively closed.

Dreaming of snow in the summer or out of season

Dreaming of snow in a moment that is not winter or Christmas itself, indicates both, in a positive sense, the need for a daily upheaval to break the routine with a surprise event, and a negative unexpected event. Also in this case, the sensations experienced during the dream will indicate which of the two paths our unconscious has decided to take.

Furthermore, a snowfall in spring or summer could also allude to a moment of closure in oneself following a disappointment or to a situation that is not exactly positive and pleasant.

Making snowballs or a snowman

Playing snowballs tends to be a symbol of the joy felt during childhood, and brings with it feelings of happiness but also nostalgia. Evaluate the precise moment of your life in which you have this dream and you will understand if it is more about the need to change something in the name of your inner child a little sacrificed today or if you are simply savoring that sense of joy typical of children.

If you dream of building a snowman, watch out for the image that this suggests: if it is funny, nice or sweet it can only represent a positive symbolism with respect to what you dreamed of, if it has a threatening appearance or is covered with ice or frost will indicate dissatisfaction, fear and discomfort.

Skiing, sledding or snow walking

In the first two cases, it is essential to understand if during sporting activity we feel pleasant sensations and we have control, in which case it can only indicate the ability to better manage the situations of the life we ​​are living; on the contrary, if we skid or we have difficulty proceeding, our unconscious will be telling us that we are dealing with an anxious and difficult period.

Walking, on the other hand, communicates a positive sense that alludes to the possibility of proceeding, facing and completing real events, projects and goals that they had set for themselves.

Dreaming of snow: the numbers of the Neapolitan grimace

As per tradition, dreams can suggest new visions or interpretations of our lives through the laborious work of the unconscious but are also linked to a numerical symbolism that finds its maximum expression in the Neapolitan grimace.
Snow in general is associated with the number 17; more specifically, if it is dirty it is 4 that must be played, if it is floury, the number 84 and if it has turned into ice, the number 71.
The numbers 54 and 56 respectively symbolize a blizzard and simply falling snowflakes, while the number 82 is a snowy mountain.

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