Dreaming of crying - meaning and interpretations

Not only in dreams, but in life in general, it is believed that crying is an action with a strictly negative connotation. In reality, this is not always true. Crying can hide various reasons, including even the emotion or the joy. Also, crying out of anger, sadness, or frustration can have beneficial effects on the mind, although this may seem like a contradiction. By crying, all those negative feelings that grip us and that "suffocate" us are released. These characteristics of crying are thus also taken up in dreams.

Symbology of the cry of dreams and more

“We never let ourselves go and cry with all the desperation we would like. Maybe we are afraid of drowning in tears and that there is no one to rescue us. "
Erica Jong

Over the years, crying itself has taken on various meanings, both in the dream world and in other areas. In fact, if for a long time crying was considered as a symbol of weakness and lack of fortitude, today it has been strongly re-evaluated.Letting tears go without any inhibition is a sign of sensitivity and vulnerability, two qualities that demonstrate our humanity. We have summarized the main meanings of crying in dreams, to be explored better with all the other details of the dream.

  • Catharsis: dream tears allow you to vent an "emotion or feeling - whether it be negative or positive - that is kept hidden in your interior. While you cry in your dream you free it and allow yourself to perform a sort of interior" cleaning " Once this phase of "liberation" is over, we can move on to a new beginning, a sort of rebirth and personal renewal.
  • Unconscious: in dreams, more than tears, especially tears take on the same meaning as water. Just like this natural element, tears also represent the unconscious, that tumult of inner sensations and thoughts that must always be kept in balance, if you don't want to be overwhelmed.
  • An omen with an inverse meaning: according to some popular traditions, dreams in which we cry should be given an "overturned" interpretation. This means that if the dreamer has seen himself crying in pain, then positive news awaits him. tears of joy could be the mouthpiece of doom.

See also

Dreaming of turtles - meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of flying: meaning and interpretations

Dreaming of snow: meaning and interpretations

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Dreaming of crying out of sadness and unhappiness

This is probably the most recurring meaning - and its interpretation - of dreams in which we cry. Dreaming of crying to vent one's unhappiness means that an "authentic" catharsis is taking place, that is, one is getting rid of all those tensions and negative feelings accumulated over the course of the day. These emotions that burden the dreamer's soul can be different: they range from stress to resentment or feelings of guilt for an argument, from sadness for an event experienced to melancholy towards a person who cannot be near or for a certain moment.

This tumult of sensations is too often "bottled" in everyday reality and only finds an escape route at night, while dreaming.

Dreaming of crying with joy

When you have dreamed of crying with happiness, the dream image can be both an omen and a confirmation of success. In the first case, perhaps you are experiencing a complicated period, perhaps from the point of view of love or family or even of work. Dreaming of crying with joy would indicate the end of this difficult phase of life and the "beginning of a new" season ", marked by serenity and peace.

Then, with regards to the cry of happiness as "confirmation", the dreamer may have achieved something he has longed for, such as a long-coveted goal. However, this achievement was not sufficiently appreciated or even undervalued by others. Thus, he would find the right gratification in sleep, crying with joy.

Dreaming of "transparent" tears

"Salt must have something sacred in fact it is found on the sea and on tears."
Khalil Gibran

If you dream of clear and transparent tears, then not necessarily the message from the unconscious will be negative. In fact, they can express a strong positive emotion with which the dreamer is confronted in sleep. By doing so, he would show his side in a dream. more sensitive and his vulnerability, hidden during the day. On the contrary, there are those who consider tears as the symbol of a request for help from those who are dreaming.

Then, Freud gives a "sexual interpretation to all of this. They would be the representation of the male semen, or emblem of the deepest emotions which, when expressed, purify the soul. While those of women are more associated with a physical problem, such as a burdening of the lymphatic and circulatory system.

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Dreaming of crying blood

The image of crying with tears that are not "normal", but of blood, often appears in the sphere of spirituality, the supernatural and religion. In this regard, think, for example, of the various episodes of Madonnas who release tears of blood. In the world of dreams, crying blood further emphasizes the meaning of torment and frustration that are released from the unconscious. In fact, it indicates great inner suffering, worry or guilt that has not yet been exorcised.

Other interpretations of dreams in which we cry

As already mentioned, the variants of dreams where we cry are very numerous. For this reason we have collected some other meanings and interpretations of dream images in which tears and tears appear.

  • Dreaming of crying alone - letting off steam alone means that in everyday life the dreamer is going through a period of particular loneliness. You are not sharing your worries with anyone and this affects you mentally. This dream can be a sign to start opening up and talking to a trusted person.
  • Dreaming of crying with someone: in this case, however, you are showing your fragility, accepting to have someone next to you in the moment of greatest vulnerability.
  • Dreaming of another person crying: this dream could indicate a difficult situation that has arisen between your dreamer self and the person who is the protagonist of the dream image. This tension brings discomfort and guilt in the dreamer, who frees his emotions in sleep.
  • Dreaming of crying and screaming - it can represent two different conditions. The first is that your crying is triggered by anger or something related, an overwhelming feeling that has been repressed for too long and that threatens to come out suddenly. The second, however, is when you cry and scream. because of fear.Perhaps you are about to start a new phase in your life that scares you or because an uncertain future lies ahead.
  • Dreaming of hearing or seeing a child crying - in dreams children embody that ancient concept of puer aeternus, or the inner child present in each of us. Seeing or hearing a baby crying in a dream indicates that you are neglecting this inner component of light-heartedness, basic needs and naivety, to which you must always leave a little space from time to time.
  • Dreaming of crying without knowing why - this can be an omen dream. You are probably about to start a complicated period in your life, made up of constant challenges.

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Neapolitan grimace: all the numbers associated with dreams where crying appears

As with other dreams, even those in which you cry are associated with numbers, with which you can try your luck and try to play the Lotto. Just as it happens for the meaning and the interpretation, to know the right number it is necessary to rethink the dream image well, what one dreamed of and what one did in the dream.

Cry: 3
Crying in pain: 70
Crying for the dead: 14
Crying with rage: 71
Cry for joy: 74
Cry of fear: 87
Crying child: 40
See others cry 90

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