Dreaming of being pregnant - what does it mean?

Many women happen to dream of being pregnant, whether they are actually pregnant or not: it is in fact a rather common dream, but what is its meaning?

Of course, for a woman who is actually pregnant it can represent the expression of fears, anxieties, joys and plans regarding imminent motherhood. Pregnancy, however, also has a very strong symbolic meaning and if you have ever dreamed of being pregnant while not in reality, it is undoubtedly a metaphorical expression of something else. Ready to find out what? happened to dream of being pregnant, you have also dreamed of one of the other most frequent dreams in the world:

> Check out Sigmund Freud's book on Dream Interpretation on Amazon

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What is the meaning of dreaming of being pregnant?

Dreaming of being pregnant is first of all an expression of creativity: it means that something inside you is maturing, changing, evolving. It can be the development of new ideas, new projects, a major life change that's happening in your head or you're working on. Inside you, in short, something new is "being born" and this birth is metaphorically expressed by "being pregnant.

Pregnancy in a dream therefore means that you are in a moment of "incubation", new psychic aspects are emerging, you are reaching a new maturity. Every novelty, you know, involves resistance on the part of our unconscious and with this completely positive dream, you are telling yourself that you are ready to face it: inside you things are already directed towards change.

Dreaming of being pregnant and giving birth - what is the meaning?

Dreaming of giving birth, consequently, represents the moment in which this inner transformation is ready to emerge, has reached its peak: finally your personal evolution is about to take place and all the projects and ideas that you have "incubated" within you until at that moment they are about to see the light.

In a dream, therefore, giving birth means the arrival of novelties: something that has always been in potential within you is about to be realized, your talents are finally about to be recognized and you feel completely ready to evolve.

> Check out the books on inner change available on Amazon

What does it mean to dream of being pregnant with twins?

Dreaming of being pregnant with twins can have different meanings. It can in fact represent a sort of "doubling" of all the emotions linked to that personal transformation we have mentioned, amplifying anxiety, fear, but also hope and joy. It therefore reinforces the previously seen meaning of simply dreaming. of being pregnant.

An "other interpretation, on the other hand, can be linked to the sense of the" double ": within you you feel a duality, as if there were two aspects in conflict with each other, and this dream on the one hand expresses the anguish for this situation of inner conflict, on the other, the will to overcome it and recompose the conflicting opposites in order to regain serenity.

Dreaming of being pregnant with a girl or a child - meaning of male and female

Dreaming of being pregnant with a female expresses your need to reunite with your female part, which has recently felt neglected: your unconscious is expressing the need to give space to everything related to emotion and feeling.

Dreaming of being pregnant with a male, on the contrary, expresses the need to take care of one's masculine aspect, the one linked to intellect, strength and action. And if you are really expecting a boy, here are some suggestions on the name to choose:

See also: Male names 2020 - the most beautiful for your baby!

© iStock Male names 2020 - the most beautiful for your baby!

What does it mean to dream of being pregnant and losing blood or losing the baby?

Let's make a necessary premise: if you are pregnant and you dream of losing blood or having an abortion, it is not a premonitory dream! Calm down, the idea that such a dream is "bad" is pure superstition. The unconscious is simply enacting its deepest fears in order to vent them. If you dream of something similar, in short, it is not because it will happen, but because YOU are afraid of it happening. It may seem strange to you, but dreams like this are used to metabolize fear and are very frequent the closer you get to labor.

If, on the other hand, you are not pregnant and you dream of losing your baby or losing blood, it means that in reality you are experiencing a situation of anguish, anxiety and profound turmoil, in which you feel you are not in control. It can also mean fear of losing someone you care about or fear of failure.

> See a book on Amazon on how to deal with labor and delivery without fear

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