The virtues of precious stones: meanings and symbolism

The symbolic strength of the stones
The stones, already for the fact of being precious, are synonymous with strength and purity. Giving them is a sign of love, sincerity and fidelity.

Before knowing the meaning of precious stones, find out which of them is associated with your zodiac sign!

The diamond:
It is the most precious of stones, indestructible and pure.

· Represents: Purity, resistance, union, perfection, eternal love.

· Its virtues: The diamond gives strength and consolidates unity and commitment. It is also called the stone of reconciliation.

· The legend: Since ancient times Plato evoked the image of an axis of the world formed by diamonds.

The emerald:
It is fragile and exceptionally valuable.

· Represents: True love, happiness, but also cosmic vitality, strength and inner harmony.
Its virtues: Trust. Its green color calms, strengthens the nerves, soothes irritations. It is beneficial for the organs of sight (scientifically proven properties).
· The legend: Emperor Nero watched the gladiator fights through an emerald.Mythology attributes the emerald to Venus, the goddess of love.

The ruby:
The name comes from the red color.
· Represents: Fire. It reflects courage, struggle, love and divine charity, life force, youth, passion, voluptuousness.
Its virtues: It gives stability to the emotions and protects from betrayal. It gives physical and spiritual strength.
Its legend: In Europe, it was placed at the center of the royal crowns to commemorate the passion and blood of Christ.

Represents the celestial stone, thanks to the blue color.

· Represents: The immortality, purity and wisdom.

· His viirtus: Commitment. It makes you patient and strengthens your unions. Rejects hate.

· The legend: Sapphire was revered in Rome and Egypt as a stone of truth and justice. The Egyptians thought that the sapphire controlled the movement of the stars and they also called it the stone of the stars.

It is considered a sacred stone.

· Represents: Loyalty. It is the symbol of strength and power, and encourages spiritual development.

Its virtues: Offers inspiration. Color revives intelligence and facilitates concentration, helps to overcome obstacles and difficulties, to solve complicated problems, and to dominate passions.
· The legend: For the Egyptians, the topaz represented Ra, the god of the Sun, who gives life and fertility.

The amethyst:
It is nicknamed the stone of the bishops.
· Represents: The purity of the soul, power and happiness, sincerity, humility and wisdom.
· Its virtues: It gives intellectual and psychological balance. It protects against negative thoughts and dishonest intentions. The purple color fights depression and stimulates spiritual development.
· The legend: In the "antiquity" amethyst made cups to drink wine, which prevented guests from getting drunk.

The most common is red.

· Represents: Consistency, loyalty.

· Its virtues: Energy. It gives confidence and develops intuition. Garnet awakens the erotic imagination. It is a sign of love that stimulates creativity and passion.

· The legend: In the Middle Ages it protected the crusaders from injuries. Garnet was used in certain ancient magical recipes to strengthen eyesight and heal diseases.

It is "the" amulet of virgins and newlyweds.

· Represents: Success. It is synonymous with strength, self-control, intellectual vivacity. For Tibetans, turquoise is sky and water and gives luck and protection.

Its virtues: Purification. It protects against accidents and misfortunes by absorbing negative energies. It spreads peace and joy. When turquoise becomes lighter, it is because danger threatens its owner.

· The legend: It is "the stone of the indigenous people of America". The Apache chief Geromino owned a Tuchese, who favored visions. The Aztecs calculated wealth based on the number of turquoise.

It comes from marine corals, and is highly prized in jewelry.

· Represents: The strength. It is a birthstone.
· Its virtues: Protects who owns it, calms emotions and restores harmony. Awakens love. Its color warms. It becomes clearer when the person wearing it suffers from anemia.
· The legend: In ancient China, corals symbolized wealth, privileges and a high social status.

The Pearl:
It evokes perfection and uniqueness.
· Represents: Health. Just like the Moon, it is one of the main symbols of femininity. It reflects sensuality, authenticity and beauty.
Its virtue: The pearl is used to treat gastric problems and migraines.
· The legend: It was once believed that pearls were the result of the union between the sea and the light of the moon.

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