Guide to buying the best child seat

According to Italian law, children must use the child seat until they reach 150 cm in height, around 12 years of age. When the child exceeds 125 cm in height, he can begin to use the booster instead of the actual seat, although it is recommended to use the seat with backrest as much as possible. In fact, the simple booster does not cushion the side impacts in case of road accident and does not guarantee maximum adherence to the car seat. In this guide we have collected all the useful information to help you choose the best seat for children aged 3 to 12 years.

Find out all the necessary precautions for the safety of children in the car:

See also

Isofix system or others: what is the best fixing for the car seat?

How much does a child seat cost?

On the market it is possible to find child seats for children aged 3 and over for less than 20 euros. However, models with more features and better safety reviews cost around $ 100. Finally, the design seats of the most famous brands can also cost more than 500 euros.

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Child seat: the essential features

Parents usually choose a Group 2/3 car seat when their child reaches 4 years of age. This is a seat with a backrest designed to lift the child from the car seat so that the seat belt fits. correctly to your body and reduces the risk of injury in the event of a road accident. The best quality Group 2/3 seats are those that are fastened by passing the seat belt through the guide points and then fastening it around the child. Some booster seats also have a strap that attaches to the seat's headrest.

The backrest and headrest of the car seat are important to protect the child from side impacts. They are generally padded and adjustable, so that the seat can be adapted as the child grows. The backrest can usually be removed when the child reaches 125cm in height. A feature to consider is the ability to remove the seat cover, so you can easily wash it in the washing machine when it gets stained (you never know with car sickness!).

Some Group 2 child seats are swivel and allow the child to travel rearward-facing up to the age of 4 or 5. This is the safest way to travel, as the child's neck and spine they are better protected in the event of an accident. The only downside is that the swivel seat is naturally more expensive and can be difficult to fit, notwithstanding the fact that many children suffer from car sickness.

Group 2/3 car seats: the best on Amazon

Group 2/3 includes all car seats for children between the ages of 4 and approximately 12, which weigh between 15 and 36 kg.

Foppapedretti Babyroad Group 1/2/3 child seat for 9-36 kg


  • Anatomical seat;
  • Side protection;
  • Adjustable headrest;
  • Padded;
  • Removable and washable.

Buy it for € 57.89 (25% discount)

Joie Trillo LX ISOFIX Group 2/3 child seat for 15-36 kg


  • Side protection;
  • Padded;
  • Seat belt guides;
  • Adjustable headrest;
  • Removable cup holders.

Buy it 188 €

Piku 6227 Group 2/3 child seat for 15-36 kg


  • Ergonomic seat;
  • Side protection;
  • Adjustable headrest;
  • Padded;
  • 2 integrated cup holders.

Buy it on Amazon (€ 44.00)

Child seat: other useful information

While most seats with backrests are suitable for children aged 3 and up, don't be in too much of a hurry to upgrade from a Group 1 seat to a Group 2/3 seat. It is much safer for your child if you let them stay in a Group 1 car seat for as long as possible, until they have exceeded the maximum height or weight limit. Most children can continue to use a Group 1 car seat up to 4 years of age.

If you buy a Group 2/3 seat with a removable backrest, remember to remove the backrest only when the child has reached the minimum weight and height. In fact, seats without backs are much less safe than those with backs, as they do not have sufficient protection in the event of side impacts. The new law of 2017 stipulates that only children taller than 125 cm can use a seat without a backrest. The law only applies to new seat models on the market, while older models are exempt.

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